Sunday, January 17, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament - Part 13 of 20

Welcome to the final world of the game. These episodes are going to get pretty long, so get ready to do a lot of moving around and exploring to get through these visions.

Garlen's Castle

Klonoa and Gantz face each other in the finals. Lolo is being held captive instead of turned into a gear, and promises to let her go if Klonoa wins; otherwise, Lolo will get turned into a gear. Popka shows up and tells Klonoa that Gantz has shot him and trapped Lolo before falling unconscious.

Vision 5-1

Go right, grab the Gear Moo, double jump upwards to get the two Dream Stones above, then grab another Gear Moo, make your way to the door, go right through the pinball doors and grab the blue Dream Stone. Drop down and go right, then get on the green platform, ride it to the top, then go left, grab the Flying Moo and throw it to the right so it breaks the crate to the right. Grab another Flying Moo, then double jump to the right and get the Dream Stones. Go to the right from where the crate used to be, grab the Gear Moo, and double jump left for the extra life if you eed it, then grab another Flying Moo and drop back down to the area where the green platform was. Throw the Flying Moo at the crate to the right, then go right, get the key, and go right to the next section.

Go right, hovering and grabbing onto ropes while grabbing the two Dream Stones, then grab the Erbil. Break the crates above the Erbil first with a double jump for a blue Dream Stone, then double jump with another Erbil to rocket up through the crate to the left of that. Hover to the right and unlock the door, grab the Flying Moo, and double jump to the right. Grab the Erbil and double jump through the crates above for another key, then grab another Erbil and rocket upwards with it to hit the three door switches. For an easier time, double jump above the lowest one, then hit the other two with your Wind Bullet. Grab another Erbil and double jump up and to the left to reach the first Moon Stone, then go left and drop down for three Dream Stones. Go back up and grab a Flying Moo, then go left back to the previous section.

Double jump left and get back on the green platform, then make your way back to the start of the vision. Grab the Gear Moo and head back to the locked door you passed by. This time, go through it to enter another section.

The Nagapoko here is from Suiryu, who assumes that he has already been turned into a gear by the time you read this and asks that you win the tournament and stop Garlen. Grab the three Dream Stones as you go down the rope, Go left to the two boxes. Jump and throw one all the way to the left, and leave the other one on the floor to the right so you can use it as a stepping stone for later. Go left, grab the two Dream Stones, then go to the box you threw to the left and double jump with it to get the Sun Stone. Take the box, jump up and throw it back to the right. The Nagapoko in the area will tell you that you will need to use an enemy to get the Moon Stone that you can't quite get yet. Take the box you threw back to the right and place it on the floor switch. From here, go back to the other box and grab it. The Gear Moo here will walk off edges, so when the Moo lands on the box you're holding, carry the box to the left with the Gear Moo on top to take it to the Moon Stone. You can then make your way to the second Moon Stone and use the Gear Moo you helped over there to get it. From here, grab another Gear Moo near the floor switch and double jump to the left. Continue in that direction and you will eventually reach another Gear Moo and two crates. Grab the Flying Moo and use it to break the crates for an extra life if you need to, then get another Gear Moo and double jump to enter another section.

Go left and get the Flying Moo. Double jump to the left, continue in that direction, drop down, grab the box and take it to the right. Be sure to place it on the left side of the lower platform.  From here, grab the Flying Moo and throw it at all the crates to the left for Dream Stones with the help of the air current. From here, grab the Flying Moo, ride the current up, then double jump to the right where the last of the Dream Stones are. Go to the pot and push it so it is under the red arrow panel above the start. You've done it right if the pot lands directly on the box as you push the flower pot to the start. Plant a Flying Moo in the pot, then go up the vine, grab the Flying Moo, double jump to the left above the red arrow panel, then grab the Flying Moo again, head to the left, double jump for the last Moon Stone, and exit the vision.

Vision 5-2

Go left, go up the air current, hover to the right, grab the Goomi, jump right, get the Dream Stones, drop down to the right, ride the air current, then head right at the top and head to a new section. Grab the box, go back to the previous section and double jump near the entrance for a blue Dream Stone, then take the box and throw it at the air current to the left to head to the left side of the room. Go up the rope, grab the Flying Moo and drop to the left onto a platform. Make regular jumps to the left to break a crate with the Flying Moo, and jump and hover to get the three Dream Stones you see along the way. From here, drop down to the current you covered up with a box, go right and go down the ladder to another section, then return to reset everything. Head back to the section to the right where you found the box.

Go right, grab the box, double jump right, go up the current, grab the Goomi on the way up, jump right off the Goomi, go right, grab the Gear Moo, double jump to get the Dream Stones, then grab another Gear Moo and double jump left to return to the air current. Ride the air current all the way up and grab the Goomi to the left, jump left off the Goomi, drop down while grabbing the Dream Stones along the way, then go back up the air current, drop down and left to the box, grab the box and throw the box to the right. Go back to where the Gear Moo was, grab the box, toss it to the left from where you found it, then grab the Gear Moo and jump left off the box so you can double jump straight up and grab the first Moon Stone. Go all the way back to the start of the section, and take the box there back to the starting section.

Head left. When you drop down, throw the box to the left to cover up the air current. Go to the left, grab the Flying Moo, then drop down, go right and go back down the ladder. Double jump to the platform with the Flying Moo to get the Sun Stone, then go down the ladder. You'll be entering this section again, but this time, it's for real.

From the ladder, go left, drop down, go right, get the Dream Stones near the air current, grab the box, throw it left to block the air current, go left, grab the Flying Moo, then double jump above the crates with Flying Moos to break them. Head to the left, grab the box, then double jump at the air current you just passed by to block it. From here, head left again, jump and hover to get all the way to the left, jump right, grab the Goomi, jump right off the Goomi, grab the Gear Moo, then double jump to the left. Jump and hover to the right while grabbing a Dream Stone. then continue right. Take the box off the air current, then ride the air current, grabbing the Flying Moo on the left as you go up, then take it to the left. You will have to do this twice: once for a blue Dream Stone and again for the second Moon Stone. From here, ride the air current and grab a Flying Moo one more time, and when you are to the left of the current, double jump up and to the right to go back up the ladder to the starting section.

Go back to the upper right section, grab the box and block the air current with it. Grab the Flying Moo and make your way to the left with regular jumps. Double jump at the end to enter the last section you need to enter.

Drop down, head left, grab the Dream Stones, grab the Gear Moo, double jump for Dream Stones and head back to the right. (Do not enter the air current or you will be forced to give up your S-Rank by retrying.) From here, jump into the tornadoes, then go left for a message from Lolo from the Nagapoko. Grab the box to the left, use it to double jump for Dream Stone above the Nagapoko, then lay it near the edge of the platform where the air current is. From here, you can continue left. From here, you can go back to the start, go left, grab the Gear Moo, ride the air current only to have your path blocked by the box, then go left to the other air current in the room. Ride the air current all the way up, go right, then double jump up and to the right for the last two Dream Stones and the last Moon Stone. From here, you can leave the section, head right, drop down and go left to enter the exit door. You're done here.

Vision 5-3

Go right, grabbing Dream Stones and avoiding Spikers as you go, then hit the purple switch when you see it. You'll get a box. Grab the Box, take it to the right, jump onto the Moo boulder, then double jump upwards for two Dream Stone. Grab the box again, take the box to the left, and place it down and to the left of the purple block between the two Spikers, then continue left, head back to the Boomie, grab the Boomie when it reaches the right edge of the platform, take it right, throw it to the purple block, grab the Boomie, jump up and throw it to the right from on top of the box, hover right over the Spiker, grab the Boomie, take it right and throw it at the boulder so you can blow it up. From here, continue right, grab the first Moon Stone, grab the Flying Moo, double jump to the right and enter the next section.

The Nagapoko here contains a message from Gantz telling us to give up. Obviously, we're not going to. Jump to the right with the blue disappearing platforms, hit the purple switch, then go up the blue disappearing platforms to the right again, grab the Flying Moo, double jump to the right above the purple switch, grab the Flying Moo, double jump to the left above the purple switch while grabbing two more Dream Stones, grab the Flying Moo, double jump left for a blue Dream Stone, hover to the right, land on the last purple block you were on, grab the Flying Moo again, double jump where the next two Dream Stones on the right are, hover to the purple block on the way there, then jump and hover to the right again to enter the next section.

Grab the Boomie and place it in the flower pot to blow up the boulder above. When that Boomie explodes, grab another one, jump up and throw it to the right so it lands on the flower pot and destroys the crate. Throw another Boomie directly into the flower pot, climb all the way up, jump to the platform to the left, go all the way left and wait for the Boomie to explode. Grab the Flying Moo once the explosion has disappeared, then drop down and to the right and double jump to grab some Dream Stones. Push the flower pot all the way to the left (but not all the way), then drop back down to the Boomie, toss it into the first flower pot, climb all the way up, jump right, grab the Boomie and throw it into the second flower pot. Wait for the Boomie to explode. This will trigger a series of explosions that will hit a switch and open the door to the right. You can now head to the right to the next section.

From the blue arrow panel at the start of the section, drop all the way down, then go left to the previous section. You'll be in a previously unexplored area where you can find two Dream Stones and the second Moon Stone. From here, head right and grab the Gear Moo - which moves off edges - and double jump your way back to the previous section. Go left, grab the Flying Moo, take it back to this section, then throw it at the blue arrow panel to break a crate. A box will drop. Grab the box and double jump above the blue arrow panel so you can ride the box upwards for two Dream Stones to the right. From here, drop back down and hit the blue arrow panel so that it faces right. Ride the box to the right and get the blue Dream Stone. When the box returns, walk left off the edge of the box before it hits the blue arrow panel again, then grab the box, place it down and to the right of where the Gear Moo will be, grab the Gear Moo and toss it so that you get rid of it, then grab the box and hold it so that the Gear Moo will move off the platform, move right on the box and then move into the nook where the health pick-up is. Throw the Gear Moo into the flower pot here, and go up and right to the next section. Now, go back. This time, you'll need to reposition the box so that the Gear Moo runs into it and reverses direction to the left. Grab the Gear Moo just before it falls into the narrow gap. This will allow you to go back to where the second Moon Stone was and double jump left to get the Sun Stone. From here, push the flower pot all the way to the left, and place the Boomie in the flower pot so you can go up the vine and get a key. Wait for the Boomie to explode, then grab another Boomie, head all the way back to the starting section, then double jump left and hover to open the door and get the Sun Stone. Now we need to head all the way back to that final section.

Push the flower pot to the right. Head to the Goomi, grab it, jump right off the Goomi and hit the switch. Grab the last two Dream Stones and grab the Gear Moo. Go to the left, throw the Gear Moo to the right so it flies towards the red arrow panel pointing left, head back to the Goomi, grab the Goomi, jump right off the Goomi and hit the switch, then head to the top of the flower pot and grab the Gear Moo as it returns. Toss the Gera Moo into the pot, climb up the vine, grab the Gear Moo and throw it at the crate to get the last Moon Stone. From here, go back to the Gear Moo, throw it at the red arrow panel, jump to the right where the red arrow panel is, grab the Gear Moo again when it returns, double jump to the right and enter the exit door. You're done.

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