Tuesday, January 19, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament - Part 17 of 20

It's back to the train for Vision EX-2.

Vision EX-2

Go right, grab the Erbil, then go all the way to the left and double jump to get a key orb. From here, grab another Erbil, double jump right, and go through the barricade to enter another section.

Go right, grab the box and throw it at the chest to the left to uncover another box. Take the first box and throw it to the right from where you found the first box, then grab the other box, jump right and double jump above the red arrow panel pointing up. You can now use both boxes as platforms that move up and down. Get the three Dream Stones above you, then get on the box that is moving up and down on the right, grab the box on the left and throw it to the right so it hits a red arrow panel. Jump (and maybe even hover) onto the box you just threw to the right. From here, you'll need to jump right and grab and double jump with the Flying Moos to reach the end. Grab a Flying Moo, then go right to enter another section.

Break the chest at the start with the Flying Moo, then grab the Erbil and throw it to the right at the red arrow panel that is pointing down. This will break another chest and reveal a box. Throw the box to the left so it falls into the gap in the center of the room, then push the flower pot almost as far right as it can go. From here, grab the Erbil, go all the way to the right and throw it at the down arrow panel so it goes into the pot and creates a vine you can climb. Jump right off the vine and hit the purple switch, then grab the Erbil, go up and to the left and grab and double jump upwards with the Flying Moos. This may take some practice and repeated attempts to get right. On the fourth Flying Moo, go right to get a key orb, then make your way to the left so you can get past a barricade and leave this room.

Go left, and get the Gear Moo in the flower pot. The Gear Moo has the ability to walk off a platform edge, so you may have to use one to double jump onto the flower pot to get another to spawn so that you can place it inside. Climb up the vine you've made, then grab the Gear Moo, double jump to the right and climb up the chain to another section.

Go left. There will be a box flying around thanks to the various red arrow panels. Grab the box and double jump above the chest to break it. Go down the hole you've made. You'll enter another section.

Follow the path here, then go left, grab the Flying Moo and exit the room.

Go down and break the chest with the Flying Moo with a double jump. Go back to the previous room.

Go right and push the flower pot as far right as it can go to get a hidden Dream Stone. As you do this, there should be a Gear Moo on top of the pot; with this, you can get the Gear Moo to head towards the chest to the right so you can break it. From here, you can climb down the chain, get the blue Dream Stone and climb back up. From here, grab another Gear Moo and throw it into the flower pot. From here, jump and hover to the right, grab the Flying Moo, get the key orb, break the chest below and then go back down, climb the vine and get the Gear Moo again. Take it to the left and double jump to the platform above the Flying Moo to get your first Moon Stone. From here, grab the Flying Moo and go left to leave the room and end up back in the starting section.

From here, drop all the way down to where the Erbil is. There is a chest that you couldn't break before; you can break it now by double jumping on the chest with the Flying Moo. From here, you can head right to grab three Dream Stones and head to another section. Grab the Erbil, then go back.

From here, the purple blocks above you should be small. If they're not, go back up and hit the purple switch, then get that Erbil again. Throw the Erbil you found in the other room at the red arrow panel, then grab the other Erbil, double jump with it, then grab the other Erbil when it is at the top of its bouncing up and down and immediately double jump to get even higher. From here, you not only have to double jump upwards with four Flying Moos, but you will have to juggle doing that with throwing a Flying Moo to the right through the pinball doors to change the size of the purple blocks so you can get to the top. Once you reach the fifth Flying Moo in this series, double jump to the left, grab the Gear Moo, double jump to the gray platform above, and get the second Moon Stone. The exit is to the right, but we only have two Moon Stones. Believe it or not, you want this to happen, as you can jump onto the door, jump to the right and climb a chain to another section.

Climb up and push the flower pot to the right. You'll be back in the "flying box" room. Ride the box, get the three Dream Stones along the way and jump onto the purple blocks, and be ready to move left from one to the next as they alternate sizes due to the box hitting the purple switch. You'll eventually have to grab a Flying Moo. You'll need to grab it, double jump to the left and grab the last Moon Stone. From here, grab another one and put it in the flower pot. Climb up the vine you've made for three extra lives and a blue Dream Stone. Go back to the exit door.

At the exit door, don't enter the exit yet! Instead, go right from the exit door. You'll get your last Dream Stones. Now exit the stage. You're done. Finally.

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