Thursday, January 21, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament - Part 20 of 20

It's time for the fifth and last of the Extra Visions...and with this, that's the game 100% completed! This was one of the most difficult Let's Plays I've ever undertaken. I hope you enjoyed.

Vision EX-5

Go left, grab the Jumping Moo, double jump left onto the disappearing blue platform, jump up, grab the Flying Moo, double jump up to the chain and grab it. Wait for some space to open up before jumping right, throwing enemies at each other, and then grabbing enemies out of the portals so you can double jump up and right until you grab the chain above. Make your way up; there will soon be three Dream Stones to the left. You'll eventually see a Flying Moo; grab it and double jump left above the red arrow panel pointing up, and keep climbing. Before the Flying Moo comes back up, jump to the right so the Flying Moo hits a chest; grab the blue Dream Stone you've just uncovered. From here, head to the right side, grab the Flying Moo, double jump above the red arrow panel, and stay away from the Flying Moo so it hits another chest. From here, climb all the way up; you'll get your first Moon Stone and you'll enter the next section.

Here, you'll have to double jump with multiple enemies as well as an Erbil. Once you grab your first Erbil, keep double jumping in the center of the corridor and grabbing and double jumping with more Erbils to keep making your way up as well as to collect more Dream Stones. You'll eventually hit a tornado that shoots you up; when you do, go right on the disappearing blue platforms, grab the Jumping Moo, double back to the left and double jump onto the chain. From here, keep making your way up, grab the Conductor Moo out of the portal and double jump right from above the red arrow panel, then grab the Conductor Moo again and double jump left above the red arrow panel. You can now go left to enter the next section.

Grab the Flying Moo and throw it at the red arrow panel pointing up to break the chest. This will reveal the second Moon Stone; grab the Flying Moo and double jump left at the Moon Stone. From here, you'll have to double jump with the Flying Moo a few times to continue going up. When you can't do that any more, double jump right and climb up the chain. Throw the enemies into each other, then quickly grab the enemies as they are about to come down and double jump to the left with them to grab onto another chain. Jump and chain grab your way to the right, grab the Jumping Moo, double jump above the red arrow panel, grab the Flying Moo to the right, double jump right, grab the chain, and you'll soon be on your way up to the next section.

Go up the chain, grab the Flying Moo, drop down, throw the Flying Moo at the red arrow panel pointing up to open a chest and reveal a blue Dream Stone. Grab the chain again, go back up, grab the Flying Moo, double jump left to get the blue Dream Stone, grab the Erbil, double jump left and follow the green Dream Stones, hover below the chain while holding Up on the Control Pad to ensure you grab on, climb up, break the chests with the Mummy Moo, climb up the chain you get to afterwards, grab the Gear Moo, and keep double jumping slightly to the left while turning around to grab and double jump again so you can reach the chain and climb up to the next section.

Jump into the tornado to the right. On the last tornado, grab the Erbil to your left, double jump upwards at the top of the jump off the tornado, grab the Flying Moos and continue to double jump straight up while getting three more Dream Stones, grab the chain, and then carefully grab enemies and throw them at chests to free paths up and continue upwards. At the two red arrow panels, wait for the portal for the Pirate Moo to the right to spawn, then shoot a wind bullet at the portal and immediately double jump above the red arrow panel there back to the left. When you break the chest above, you'll get a blue Dream Stone, which will be the last of the Dream Stones. From here, carefully make your way up to the exit. Congratulations! You've just done everything in Dream Champ Tournament!

When you get S Ranks on every stage, you'll get the Dream Stone Gallery on the map. Go here, and you can see all the images for each world as well as the music from each world one more time. The image for the EX stages gives you an image of Klonoa and Lolo reading a letter from Huepow while Popka eats a box full of apples that Huepow has delivered.

And with that, that's Dream Champ Tournament 100%!

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