Thursday, January 14, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament - Part 8 of 20

You're going to be doing a lot in the middle part of the Eastern Desert. Seriously, some of these paragraphs are HUGE.

Vision 3-4

Be ready to go left for the first two series of Dream Stones.  Get between the Spikers, hit the ramp, then head right for another Dream Stone series, then go to the middle for another. Avoid the Spikers, use the tornadoes for extra lives, then be left when you see the Spikers for two more Dream Stones. Immediately shift to the right for three more Dream Stones, then be left for more Dream Stones, grab the Flying Muu and immediately double jump so you don't get hit. Hover at the ramp, then be right when you land for more Dream Stones. When you hit the next ramp, be ready to hover to get the Sun Stone. Hit either ramp and hover to clear the pit, then stay in the center briefly for two Dream Stones. Hit one of the ramps and hover, then get ready to move to the center after the statue for another series of Dream Stones. There will be another series after a few statues; be ready to be in the center for that. You're done.

Vision 3-5

There will be a little halo of light around Klonoa, even though you can clearly see everything on screen. Go right to the chest, then grab the nearby Flying Muu and double jump onto the chest to throw the Flying Muu into the flower pot inside. Climb up the vine, grab the Flying Muu, and double jump right for two Dream Stones. Drop back down, move the pot to the floor switch, then go right, grab the Boomie, take the Boomie left, push the flower pot left, and place the Boomie in the pot. Climb up the vine, grab the Boomie, and double jump so you place the Boomie above the left arrow block in the wall. Get away from the Boomie and let it explode; this will alow the left arrow block to send an explosion into the boulder to the left. From here, return to the start, place the Flying Muu in the pot there, climb up the vine, jump right, grab the Flying Moo, double jump left, grab the key, jump left for two Dream Stones, then go back to where the Boomie is and go through the door to the next section.

Go right, and wait for the green platform that moves up and down. Grab the Likuri on the way up, double jump at the top for two Dream Stones, grab another Likuri, then throw it at the blue chest to the left when you make your way back down for a blue Dream Stone. Get another Likuri and throw it to where the chest was to absorb a flying Muu. From here, you can get rid of the yellow crystal. Throw another Likuri at where the yellow crystal was, and you'll be able to absorb two enemies. Throw the Likuri at the blue crystal; now you'll have three enemies to absorb. With the Likuri now red, throw it at the red crystal you will see to the right. Behind the red crystal is a Boomie; take the Boomie, get back on the green platform and throw the Boomie to the right when the platform goes as high as it can so the Boomie stops at a boulder. The boulder will be destroyed; behind it is a box and the first Moon Stone. Grab the box and go all the way down, and place it on the Spiker. Don't forget the two Dream Stones above the Spiker. When you reach the Spiker, grab the box again; you'll need it to go right and double jump to the entrance to the next section.

Jump right and hover to two Dream Stones, then continue to the right. Leave the Boomie alone and continue right while watching out for the Spikers. Hit the switch at the end to reverse the direction of the conveyor belt, then go back to the Boomie and double jump with it to get the two Dream Stones above the Spikers. You'll need the Boomie on the other side, so keep it away from the Spikers and double jump when you reach the stationary Spikers to take the Boomie to the other side. From here, take the Boomie right and place it above the boulder ahead so you can blow up two boulders at the same time. Get another Boomie to the other side of the conveyor belt and double jump to where the higher boulder was for a blue Dream Stone. Wait for the Boomie to explode, then take the lower road and get the Moon Stone on the way to the next section.

The Nagapoko here has a message from Popka, Grab the Likuri here and go right. Double jump to the Boomie, use the Boomie to get the two Dream Stones above, then drop the Boomie off at the floor switch near the start of the room. Grab the Likuri and double jump left, grab another Likuri, throw it to the right while the Boomie is still on the floor switch so it goes through the gap where the door should be, then go up the rope and jump right before the Likuri returns. This will allow you to get rid of the yellow crystal and get two Dream Stones and the Sun Stone. From here, put another Boomie on the floor switch, then grab the Likuri and throw it right past the door gap, then take it downwards and absorb the Boomie with it. This will allow you to get rid of the blue crystal and get the key. You can then go past the Boomie and open the door to enter the next section.

Throw the right up arrow block to the left, then take an up arrow block to the right and throw it all the way to the right. From here, take the other right arrow block and place it above the right-most up arrow block in the floor. (Watch out for that Spiker, and don't forget the last four Dream Stones that are here!) From here, go back and go up the rope, grab the Boomie, and throw it at the right arrow block below. You'll set off a chain reaction of explosions that will get rid of a boulder. You can now climb up the ladder for the last Moon Stone and the exit.

Vision 3-6

Go right and talk to the Nagapoko, which will tell you about the arrow panels, which push thrown boxes and enemies in the direction they are pointing much like in Empire of Dreams. Grab the Flying Moo and throw it at the up arrow panel to break the chest, then grab another Flying Moo and double jump right. The Nagapoko here will tell you about the blue arrow panels, which you can change the direction of with a Wind Bullet, unlike their red counterparts. Grab the nearby Flying Moo and double jump for two Dream Stones. After that, have the first blue panel point right and the second point up so you can break the chest with the nearby Flying Moo for an extra life. Then, change the second one so it faces right so you can destroy the chest up ahead. Go right and grab the first Moon Stone, then change the blue arrow panel you see here so it points left. Throw another Flying Moo to the right afterwards, so it moves back and forth and you can grab it to double jump for two Dream Stones before moving to the next section.

Go right and grab the box. Be ready to hit the blue arrow panel so it points up, then double jump above it to ride the box to two Dream Stones. Double jump with the box above the blue panel again, and this time, jump left. Change the two blue arrow panels near the Flying Moo so the bottom one points up and the top one points right so you can destroy a chest. Double jump to where the chest was with a Flying Moo to get a key. Drop down and go right through the door. The Nagapoko here will have a message from Chipple saying he can't find the shortcut Klonoa told him about. (What shortcut?) Hit the nearby blue arrow panel so it points up, then go back, grab the box again, and go back to that blue arrow panel. Throw the box at that arrow panel so the box lands on a floor switch, opening the door ahead. Go right to the next section.

Hit the blue arrow panel so it points up. Go right, drop down, hit the blue arrow panel so it points up, then go right, grab the box and double jump above the blue arrow panel to ride the box so you can jump left and head back to the previous section. Jump and hover to the left to get seven Dream Stones, then head back to the section you were just in. (Don't forget to set that blue arrow panel up and throw the box at it so it hits the switch again.) Set the first blue arrow panel back to up, then drop down, set the blue arrow panel there back to up, then double jump with the box above the blue arrow panel again. This time, you'll be riding the box to the right, where you'll find two Dream Stones and an extra life. Put the box back where you initially found it, then go back to the first blue arrow you saw in the room and make it point down. Grab the box and throw it back into the chain of arrow panels so it lands on the purple box, then grab the Flying Moo and double jump to the right. Go right, go down the chain, go left and hit the switch. Grab the box when it comes down, take it to the right, then hit the blue arrow panel so it points up and double jump with the box above the blue arrow panel to ride the box. You'll have a makeshift escalator that takes you to the second Moon Stone and two Dream Stones. Get them all, then go right at the very top to enter the next section.

Grab the Likuri and get the two Dream Stones nearby, then go right and hit the blue arrow panel so it points up. Grab another Likuri and throw it at the blue arrow panel to absorb a Flying Moo. From here, you'll have to hit the blue arrow panel so that it points at other Flying Moos so you can get rid of the blue and red crystals ahead. It takes some timing to manipulate the blue arrow panel before the Likuri returns on each enemy absorption, but it can be done. The low road will lead to a blue Dream Crystal, while the high road leads to two Dream Stones and an extra life. The middle road leads to the next section.

Grab the Flying Moo and throw it right. When it returns, grab it again and double jump to the right. Climb up the chain and hit the blue arrow panel you see to the left so that it points left. Go to the right of the exit and hit the blue arrow panel there so it faces left as well. Go all the way down, go right, grab the Flying Boomie, then throw the Flying Boomie at the red arrow panel that is pointing up. This will allow you to blow up the boulder in the upper-left corner of the room. This is where you will find the Sun Stone. From here, hit both blue arrow panels on both sides of the exit door so they both point right. Throw another Boomie at the nearby red arrow panel. This will allow you to blow up another boulder. Hit the blue arrow panel to the right of the exit so it points down, then throw the Flying Moo at it so you can grab it again and get the two Dream Stones your jumping can't reach. Now make it so that the blue arrow panels on both sides of the exit are pointing at each other. Go all the way to the right and get the last of the Dream Stones, then go all the way to the left, grab the Likuri and throw it at the nearby blue arrow panel. Go back to the Flying Moo without touching the Likuri. From here, you can throw the Flying Moo at the Likuri. From there, throw the Likuri back at the blue arrow panels near the exit. Go down, grab the Flying Boomie and throw it at the red arrow panel, then go up the chain and hover left before the Likuri returns. When it does, double jump so you throw it down onto the red arrow panel, then get away. Go back to the start of the room and throw the Flying Moo at the red arrow panel, then go right after you throw it and wait. When the Likuri - now red - returns, double jump to the right above the red arrow panel. Get on the exit door and grab the Red Likuri, then go down and right and throw the red Likuri to the right when you can't go any further to get rid of a red crystal. Use the Flying Boomie to get the last Moon Stone, then go to the exit. You're done. (This is the biggest paragraph I have ever made; I apologize!)

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