Friday, January 22, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Dungeon Explorer (Fighter Class) - Part 2 of 8

With another town comes another dungeon...

Now that you can access the other staircase at the start of the first dungeon, you can now push the rock to the left to access it. You'll find an ax and a crown for your stats along the way, and you'll eventually be at Melba Village.

The people of Melba Village are happy that you have beaten the Bullbeast, but warn that the Gutworm lurks below. You'll also find out about the Ruvis Statue that you'll have to destroy to get to Baron Castle.

To the south of the village is several blue slime generators as well as the nearby Ruvis Statue. You'll have to go down the stairs near the blue slimes; the Ruvis Statue will have to wait.

In this dungeon, there will be plenty of flamethrower statues that you'll have to keep your distance while destroying them. This is where your ability to aim your attacks diagonally will be put to the test for the first time. Also, the gaping spiral-shaped openings that open and close are enemy generators.

The winged boots increase your speed.

Some floors may move you slowly in a certain direction. These floors act like conveyor belts, so watch where you're going. Thankfully, you can move against them, though it will take some effort.

Aside from the soldiers (the red ones of which shoot projectiles at you), there are also gray pillbug-like enemies that will fire at you as well.

The gold ring will increase your hit points by 10 and add 20 to your maximum hit point values.

Flames hurt. Be careful when grabbing stuff near the flames moving in a circle. Be sure to use Black magic to get rid of the flamethrower statues more quickly at this point.

To beat the Gutworm, use the black magic to take the two massive things that are the Gutworm in seconds. From here, you'll now have to deal with skeletons in addition to the flamethrowers, and the skeletons can also shoot projectiles at you.

The blue potion will give you some health back.

Now that you've taken care of the Gutworm, there are two stairways you can take at the end of the dungeon. One takes you to the Ruvis Statue so you can destroy it (destroying it is tied to your password) and the other one takes you to uncharted territory. Take out the Ruvis Statue first, then go back through the tavern and then through the dungeon again to get to the new land if you have to. Otherwise, just go back through the stairs you came out from and go to the new land. Also, some of the people of Melba Village will have new things to say once you defeat the Gutworm and destroy the Ruvis Statue.

If you decide to do the former, the King will tell you to go through Melba Village and enter Baron Castle to defeat the Grimrose before giving you a Black magic charge and a White magic charge.

If you see a stream with two bridges, then congratulations! You're in the new land! Continue east and go through the stairs for another dungeon.

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