Thursday, December 31, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang - Part 5 of 8

In this episode, we land in the Kalala Desert, then meander around in our efforts to get stronger.

Eventually, you will be ambushed by archers. Spike will tell them that he and Rudy (who has to hide the fact that he is Von Hesler's son) were sent to help Camelia, then an old man shows up. This is Helious Bain. You'll then be in the village, where Camelia is lying in bed. You'll find out she needs the water of the Kalala Desert, but it is in the pyramid to the north, which is guarded by Croc, one of Von Hesler's soldiers.

The Tomato Plant will help you refill all your health if you move into it.

Head to the south to leave the cave area. From here, head west. You'll be facing tiny green bugs called Bombers that will fly at you as well as tiny ghosts called Twisters that will fly at you when you get close enough. Your spin attack will do the job against both, but the Twisters' defense is really high. Just keep at it with the Twisters; you'll wipe them out eventually.

The jellyfish in the sky act like platforms if you jump onto them.

If you fall into the abyss below, you'll just take a little bit of damage, but those falls add up eventually.

The red jellyfish will explode and drop you into the abyss below, but when you hit the ground, you'll be in Kalala.

You'll be able to save your game once you end up in the desert. The enemies you'll meet here are the same as the ones you've met in the Ratville Mountains. Sand Boars are more like stag battles, and they will pop out of the ground and try to hit you with rocks. You can easily beat them up with the spin attack. Thankfully, the Sand Boars give out the most experience points at this point, so use them to level up in the desert, and there are two shops where you landed where you can buy supplies if you need them.

If you keep going north from where you landed, you'll eventually face Croc. You'll want to level up before then.

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