Friday, December 4, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX - Part 1 of 22

I've played one Zelda game already. Let's play another!

While on a journey, Link's ship gets caught in a thunderstorm. His ship is destroyed, and he ends up washed ashore on Koholint Island. From here, a new adventure begins.

Marin's House

When you wake up, you'll meet Marin and Tarin. You'll find out you're on Koholint Island. Talk to Tarin, and he'll give you your shield back. Unlike in other games, you have to have it equipped and use the button you equipped it on to actually use it. Press Start to go to the Inventory screen, then choose what you want to equip and equip it with the A or B button to set it to that respective button. Pressing Select here will show off what armor you have, how many heart pieces you have, and how many pictures you've taken.

Pressing Select will give you a map. The more you explore the island, the more spaces you'll fill out, and it will take quite some time to fill up the map.

From here, let's explore the island.

Madame Meow Meow

To the west of Marin and Tarin's house is Madame Meow Meow's house. Apparently, Chain Chomps are dogs in this game. There's a doghouse next to her house, where you can find a miniature Chain Chomp that talks.


Two screens north of Madame BowWow's house is a fisherman. If you play the fishing game, you'll be able to catch fish for more money and also find a Heart Piece from one of the big fish on your first playthrough (which is easy to get, thankfully).

To talk to people, walk up to them and press A.

The Broom Lady and Ulrira

To the south of Madame Meow Meow's house is the broom lady. For somebody who sweeps the grass on a regular basis, she sure is happy. The house next to her is Ulrira's house. He's shy near people, but if you use one of the telephones scattered throughout the island, he'll talk to you and guide you towards your next objective.

Thankfully, there's a phone booth to the east of his house. There, you can communicate with Ulrira. If you use the phone in Ulrira's house, you get a reference to something.

The Crane Game

To the east of the phone booth is the crane game. Sadly, we can't go over there yet, because in this game, Link is so weak that he needs a Power Bracelet to pick up bushes. Also, we still don't have our sword yet. You'll meet one of the quadruplets here (as do I...and completely forget about! Whoops!). Talking to the quadruplets gives you the basic controls as well as some basic hints, such as entering a building while low on health in order to 

Grass and Bushes

To the north of the Crane Game house is a bunch of tall grass and bushes. If you had your sword, you can cut it all down for hearts and Rupees, but you don't have it yet.


To the north of the empty lot is the shop. There is where we would spend our Rupees...if we had some. You can get some good supplies here.

You can steal something by taking advantage of the slight delay in the shopkeeper facing towards you, but if you do that, you'll go by the name "THIEF" for the entire game. You also won't be able to go back in again without getting killed (the shop keep will kill you no matter what).

To the east is the wilderness, but you can't go there yet.

Rooster Statue

To the east of the shop is a rooster statue dedicated to the Flying Rooster. Once again, you won't be able to do anything here until later.


To the north of the shop is a shed. You won't be able to enter it until you can pull those rocks out of the ground, and that won't be until a little later on. One of the quadruplets is here.

The Quadruplets' House

There are four kids in the village you start out at, and the two screens to the east are where they live. The father, Papahl, is quite proud, and tells to watch out for him in the hills later on. The mother, Mamahl, is taking care of a fifth child, and is also wanting a Yoshi doll from the Crane Game. She also can't tell her kids apart.


To the west of Madame Meow Meow's house is the well. From here, north leads to the library, while south leads to the library and eventually Toronbo Shores, where you were found. You'll meet two of the quadruplets - who are playing catch - here.

Village and Toronbo Shores

From the quadruplets play catch, go south. (This is west and south from Marin's House.) You'll reach the cliffs near the beach. Go further south, and when you reach the shore, go east until you find your shore. Use your shield to move the sea urchins (which look a lot like the Gordos from the Kirby series) out of the way. You'll also be dealing with Octoroks, among other enemies, while you're making your way over here. You'll meet an owl. He'll speak to you, and he will find out that the sword is indeed yours. He comes to the conclusion that you're the one that will wake the Wind Fish. Unless the Wind Fish is awake, we can't leave the island. The owl will meet you again at the Mysterious Forest north of the village.

Now that you have the sword, go ahead and practice swinging your sword at enemies and killing them. Don't forget, you can hold down the button you've equipped the sword on to charge up and perform the Whirlwind Slash.

Sometimes, when you defeat an enemy, they'll drop items. Sometimes, it's hearts. Sometimes, it's Rupees. Since this is before the days of Game Boy Color and the Oracle games, all the Rupees you'll be picking are worth exactly one Rupee Sometimes, it's either an acorn or a flashing triangle. The acorn is the Guardian Acorn, and it cuts the amount of damage you receive in half for a few hits. The triangle is the Piece of Power, and it strengthens your sword swing, knocking any monster you hit with it waaaaay back as long as you haven't taken too much damage. It also lets you move noticeably faster, too. You cannot use both at the same time (sorry). According to HCBailly (whose Let's Play I watched long before making my own), you have to defeat a certain amount of enemies that is a multiple of 12 (supposedly) for the Guardian Acorn. The Piece of Power requires a multiple of 45. If you enter a cave or house, you'll remove the effects. Thankfully, you won't lose the effect if you enter a dungeon.

Avoid the monkeys on the tops of the trees. You won't be able to defeat them, anyway.

In a nearby house, you'll meet an alligator named Sale. Remember him for later in the game...

The rocks cannot be picked up yet, because you don't have the Power Bracelet. So ignore them for now.

Back To The Village

Once you get your sword, head back to the village. At the library, you can learn how to do basic things in the game, such as moving around with the Control Pad and using your items, inventory screen and map. There is also advanced stuff to read up on, such as the different shields you can find and how to use warp holes you find on the island. One of the books cannot be read due to its very small type, and you won't be able to read it until you find a certain item later in the game.

If you're playing the DX version of the game, there will be a book on top of the bookcase to the north. You won't be able to reach it right away, though. Why is this GBC exclusive, I wonder?

Now that you have the sword, you can go north to the well. Cut down the bushes (which always hide hearts for health), then fall into the well to find your first Piece of Heart. Four Heart Pieces will give you a full Heart Container and increase your maximum health by one heart.

Also, you can now cut down bushes. This allows you to enter the Crane Game Shop and play the Trendy Game. Use the A and B button to move it. You'll be moving it right with B first, then down with A. Go for the Yoshi Doll in the center between the conveyor belts. Take it to Mamahl at the Quadruplets' House, and give it to her. You'll get a ribbon, starting an item trading sequence that won't end until a bit later in the game.

North of the Crane Game Shop is the field of grass and bushes. Now that you have the sword, you can cut it all down and find a Secret Seashell in one of the bushes.

When you head back to the Rooster Statue, Marin will be there.

Now that you have the sword, you can enter the Mysterious Forest. We'll save that for the next video.

Secret Seashells

1. The empty lot full of bushes and grass in Mabe Village contains a Secret Seashell in one of the bushes.

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