Wednesday, December 9, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX - Part 11 of 22

In this entry, we do things with Marin, then head to the Yarna Desert.

If you head to Marin and Tarin's house while Marin is at Toronbo Shores, you'll find a note saying that Marin is at the beach, telling you to go to Toronbo Shores.

Head to Toronbo Shores now. There is one spot as far south as you can go that served no purpose up until this point in the game. This is where you'll find Marin. When she asks you to speak to her for a while, say "Yes." Marin will tell you about how she thinks there must be something beyond the sea, and that your sudden arrival on the island may have proved that. She then wishes she was a sea gull so she could fly away and sing to many people. When she asks if you are listening, say "yes" so you don't have to go through all that dialogue. You'll then have Marin following you, and from here, you can take her to the Animal Village and wake up the walrus. Once you do that, she goes back to Animal Village, and she never tags along with you again.

This last part is pretty important, as there are some things you can only do with Marin at your side. Be sure you go to the Camera Shop near the swamp dungeon before you get Marin in your party, so you can do these.

For added fun, fight enemies with her, explore with her, go through a dungeon with her, and even go to the cliff edge directly south of the entrance to Toronbo Shores (this one is GBC-exclusive, since all it does is give you a picture for the Album). If you jump into the well with Marin, she'll ask if you're okay (and you'll also get a picture for the Album if you're playing the GBC edition - which reminds me, how does the photographer know we're going to do this?).

Another weird thing you can do is have her play the Trendy Game when she asks to. Just go over there and when she asks to play the Trendy Game, say yes. She'll grab the guy running the game with the hook and then drop him off at the conveyor belt where the prizes land, then he'll kick the both of you out for being a pro.

In the GBC version, you can walk up to the Flying Rooster statue and get another picture for the Album! You'll get to see Tarin one last time here (unlike the original monochrome version, where you wouldn't see him again after getting the honeycomb until you beat the game).

I wouldn't recommend it if you're going for a perfect game, but Marin does react if you steal something from the store with her in tow.

If you throw a pot or hurt a Cucco, she will chew you out for doing either action. If you look at a set of drawers, Marin will ask you if you always look in people's drawers.

If you go back to Marin and Tarin's house while Marin is with you, Tarin will be in bed, tuckered out from being chased by the bees after you gave him the stick.

If you talk to one of the quadruplets, they will unintentionally imply that you are dating when you're just taking her to the Animal Village. Speaking of the Animal Village, most of the residents there will be excited that Marin is there.

If you play the Ballad of the Wind Fish in front of Marin while you're not directly in front of the Walrus, Marin will complain that your rendition of the song is not very good.

Running into the northern bookshelf in the village library with the Pegasus Boots will knock down a book you normally could not reach. Reading this book will give you directions to the GBC-exclusive Color Dungeon, which will be different every time you play. Just push the gravestones on the screen with the five gravestones in certain directions in a certain order, and you'll be able to access the dungeon. We won't be going there until later.

Once Marin wakes up the walrus, you are free to head into the Yarna Desert that the walrus was blocking. One of the areas in the desert is a whole floor of quicksand with a hidden hole in the center. Here, you'll face a worm similar to the Desert Palace worm boss from A Link To The Past. Strike it in the head with your sword and keep away from it - and the hole in the center - as you fight this thing. After beating this thing, you'll be able to get the Angler Key. If the key falls into the hole into the center, just go down there with it; you'll still be able to get it. From here, getting out is easy, and you'll be able to enter the fourth dungeon of the game. Before you do that, however, tap the northern wall where you dropped down to. You'll find a bombable wall that will lead to a Heart Piece.

The hint owl just talks about how dreams end.

In the desert itself, you'll be able to fight Pokeys. Use the spin attack to take care of them as quickly as possible. 

After you leave the quicksand cave in the Yarna Desert, go south and use the Power Bracelet on the rocks. You'll be able to get a Secret Seashell.

As you head out of the desert, you'll meet the Owl. He'll tell you to head to the key hole at the mountain waterfall.

Secret Seashells

17. After you leave the quicksand cave in the Yarna Desert, go south and use the Power Bracelet on the rocks. You'll be able to get a Secret Seashell.

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