Thursday, December 31, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Super Ninja Boy - Part 9 of 25

Our task to see the invisible takes us to the Tower of Belba, where we must pass a test to receive Hyper Vision.

All maps by zagato blackfist.

It's time to head to the Tower of Belba. Unfortunately, you'll have to go quite a distance counterclockwise from Celestern to get there. When you get to the river west of Celestern, do not go south; that leads to a dead end. Go north instead.

Tower Of Belba

You've got yourself a bit of a maze here. Start by taking the stairs to the left.

If you get the robots with the rocket arms combined with the three-eyed guys, stick to your fists. If you can get the explosions from the rocket arms to hit other enemies, so much the better. You're better off ignoring the three-eyed guys

When you reach the fourth floor, you'll see two sets of vases. Drop into the pair to the right. The other set will take you back to the start. From there, you could exit the tower, but if you want to get the Hyper Vision, you'll have to take the stairs to the left of where you dropped down from.

To beat the guys on the magic carpet, just jump on them, then fight them like you would the guys with the rocket arms.

You'll eventually find a door which takes you to the magician, Airosche. This will take you to an action scene. The light brown platforms will sink when you step on them, so make your move quickly. You'll also see the conveyor belt sand from the battle scenes in the desert areas here, too. Watch your shadow as you go up the steps. From here, you can play the concentration game at this point if you want.

The orange P blocks give you items.

When you make it through this short side-scrolling action segment, you'll finally get Hyper Vision. After this, Airosche will look into her crystal ball. She will see King Romel of Satoon deceiving Lady Julia. She will also tell you that King Romel's castle is in the acid water where a regular boat won't be able to work. You will have to meat a famous scholar in Kingland who has a better vehicle, so you'll want to go there first and talk to Dr. Justice.

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