Tuesday, December 29, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang - Part 3 of 8

Now that we're more powerful, it's time to explore more of Castle Dracuman.

Angel Card: An angel attacks enemies.

Animal Card: Changes regular enemies on-screen into harmless forest animals.

Bat Card: A circle of bats attack the enemy.

Big Tomato Card: Restores one big tomato's worth of health.

Companion Card: If you have a computer-controlled companion, they will attack enemies.

Fire Card: Flames surround Spike, burning any enemies dumb enough to get near.

Flying Hat Card: Spike flies around in his hat. You cannot damage enemies, but enemies can't damage you, either.

Ice Card: Hits the enemy with a frigid stalagmite.

Invisi-Card: Makes you invisible. While invisible, you cannot take damage.

Lightning Card: Pillars of lightning encircle Spike, which does damage to any enemies dumb enough to be near him.

Quake Card: Stone fish fall from the sky. That's gotta hurt.

Time Card: Freezes all on-screen regular enemies.

Tomato Juice Card: Restores two big tomatoes' worth of health.

Transport Card: Takes Spike out of the dungeon and back to Professor Steam.

Believe it or not, this game is actually a sequel. The Japanese game is "Cho Makai Taisen! Dorabotchan" (aka "Ultra Demon World War! Little Dorabo), and the first game is Makai Prince Dorabotchan ("Demon Prince Little Dorabo"), a side-scrolling platformer for the PC Engine that never left Japan.

Now that we're more powerful, let's use that yellow springboard to explore more of the castle.

Watch out for flying arrows. You'll see where they are coming from if you move towards where they are flying in from.

The Metal Muncher is a Feline Fighter in a suit of armor, and they give a lot of experience compared to the other enemies. Just stay in close and keep hitting them, and watch out for those punches. If the helmet is closed, you won't be able to damage it until the helmet opens up again.

Deeper into the castle, you'll meet redder Killer Cloves that spit smoke at you. They are just as easy to defeat as the earlier Killer Cloves, though.

You'll soon reach the rafters of the castle. The spiders only give one experience point, but they are worth attacking to get them out of your way regardless.

You'll soon have to fight a bigger spider. Avoid the projectiles it spits when it shakes in place and hit it with your hat. You'll get the key, but you will have to go downstairs to the floor below to get the key. Thankfully, you don't have to go very far.

Once you use the key, you'll have to deal with two Feline Fighters trying to push you back with the carpet. There is a shortcut to the south you can take to get past the carpet and then get to the Feline Fighters to stop their tomfoolery. If part of the carpet moves towards you, jump over it to clear it.

From here, you'll need to keep exploring. There are new hazards in the form of buzzsaws in the floor, and near one of them is another key. When you unlock the door, you'll want to stay away from the vents so that they don't suck you towards the wall and in the path of the flamethrower. You'll then have to jump into the hole in the wall.

Follow the path, and you'll soon find Spike's mom, who is being held prisoner. She will tell you that Felicia has taken over the castle and that she is a strong, athletic Level 4 fighter who would be a nice girl if she were not being influenced by evil beings. She will then give you a Transport Card and tell you about what it does.

From here, continue along the path and go up the stairs. From there, it's time for more exploring. If you find the save point for this section, you'll know you're getting close to the end.

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