Saturday, December 12, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Kid Niki: Radical Ninja (NES) - Part 2 of 4

The game was starting off all fine and dandy, but that one part of Round 4 just did NOT want to cooperate.

Round 3: vs. Horned Witch

The enemies on the rock will roll up when you either approach them or move past; be ready to strike. If you have to, hit them when you knock them off the rock.

On the first cloud platform, jump up and down while attacking from side to side. You'll find another hidden scroll room. Once you're done getting coins, go left and you'll return to where you left off.

Wait for the first moving cloud platform to move up before jumping on it, and land on the left half of the second one so you can hit that bird.

For the third, wait for it to go down and take out the ninja that swoops down on the kite as soon as you get to it. If you jump straight up and down and attack from side to side while staying above the cloud, you'll be able to enter another hidden area. Go to the right and take out the bomb-dropping birds and the kite ninjas as you go, The icon of the woman in the kimono at the moon will turn Kid Niki's clothes white when grabbed, signifying that you have an extra hit. If an enemy touches you, your white clothes will turn back to red.

Drop down below the moon to skip to Round 3-10. Watch out for the ninjas and the bomb-dropping birds as you get to the end.

To beat the Horned Witch, strike her in the head. She will split in to. Avoid the arrows that the smaller versions of the Horned Witch shoot out to turn them into a pair of birds. The birds cannot do anything, thankfully; attacking the birds makes them smaller and attacking the smaller birds gets rid of them for good. The first two forms are crucial, you definitely don't want to get hit by the witch forms. Once the boss is completely gone, it's on to Stage 4.

Stage 4: vs. Green Grub

At the start, go to the left and stand at the center tile of the cliff. Hold Down on the Control Pad to duck and keep ducking. You'll soon flash and enter a hidden area. Here, you'll find a bunch of eggs, and if you stand on them, they will crack and open. Some of them will spit out worms, but other eggs will give you scrolls and lives; it's completely random what you'll get. Watch out near the pits so that the white fuzzy things that randomly pop up out of them don't hurt you.

When you climb up the ladder, you'll reach Round 4-8. Watch out for the bubbles; they move around rather erratically. Also, watch out with the platforms that move in and out of the water; sometimes they will not show up when you want them to. (The bubbles are the absolute worst and are the main reason why I never made a longplay for this game.)

After the second platform that moves up and down in the water, jump at the center of the next platform three times. The platform to the right will turn into a sea monster. Walk off the right edge of the platform to enter the next hidden area, which is the inside of this monster. Thankfully, there are no enemies here, and you can easily leave out of the sea monster's butt to get past the platforms in the water.

The boss here is a snake. Do yourself a favor and stay all the way to the left or all the way to the right, and let the boss come to you. You will want to strike the segments of the boss so that they turn into bone, and for best results, make sure that the boss is coming straight down before you strike it where you need to strike it. When the boss' body is a complete skeleton, keep striking the head, and you'll soon be able to continue to Stage 5.

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