Wednesday, December 16, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Stig of the Dump - Part 2 of 3

In this entry, we help make a chimney and a window for Stig so his house isn't dark and smoky.

WAKE UP and GET OUT OF BED. Go DOWN, then go EAST and GET TIN OPENER. Go EAST again (or SOUTH) to go to the back of the house. LOOK WOOD PILE to find a cart. TAKE CART. LOOK DUSTBIN to find jam jars and tin cans. Go SOUTH to go to the shed that is out back. There will be apples and carrots. TAKE APPLES or TAKE CARROTS to take both. Go IN the shed to enter it. You will find string. GET STRING. From here, RUN. (By typing in "RUN" as a command, you will immediately teleport to the chalk pit, as it is a reference to Barney running to the chalk pit as fast as he can in the second chapter of the book, to ensure that Stig was not a figment of his own imagination.)

This next part is completely optional. You don't even need to get the apples and carrots, but since I told you to get them, and this is in the book, we might as well do this anyway. Go EAST, then go UP the tree. TIE STRING TO TREE, then TIE CART TO TREE. LOWER CARROT WITH STRING, and you will get Stig''s attention and he will eat it. You can also LOWER APPLES WITH STRING and Stig will eat the apple. From here, go DOWN to climb back down to the ground, DROP STRING and head home. If Stig follows you, type GO AWAY and he will leave you alone.

Back at home, go back to the back of the house and TAKE TIN CANS and TAKE JAM JARS, then RUN. You will then need to go east from the chalk pit until you reach the fence, then drop enough items until you have only two items in your inventory. (You can only carry up to five things, and if you're carrying more than two, you won't be able to climb the fence.) CLIMB FENCE, then drop what you have left and CLIMB FENCE again. Take what you left earlier and CLIMB FENCE, then get the rest of your stuff and go WEST to Stig's house. (For the record, you should have the tin opener, the cart, the jam jars and the tin cans when you get there.)

Along the way, there is an area of the dump where you can find a piece of bedstead. (This screen has a lot of white in it, along with some green, red and black.) Even though Barney uses it in the book, you're not even required to use it in the game. Go SOUTH on this screen to go to the ash tree. You can also find some clay here. GET CLAY, then go NORTH and then keep going WEST until you enter Stig's house.

When you enter Stig's house, Stig will be there. It's time to make a window and a chimney, and we will start with the chimney first. For this, you'll need the tin opener and the tin cans. GIVE TIN OPENER and GIVE TIN CANS to Stig, as Barney did this in the book. Stig will make a tube with the cans. TAKE TUBE. From here, go WEST, and you will be in a very white room. There will be a bath in the room. TAKE BATH, then either MAKE STOVE or MAKE CHIMNEY. Regardless of which command you use, you'll make the chimney.

For the window, you'll need the jam jars and the clay. Go back to the white room in the WEST and DIG CHALK WALL. The walls here are made of chalk, and despite Barney using the piece of bedstead to make the hole, you don't need the piece of bedstead in the game (despite what I say in the video for Part Two of the Let's Play). Barney will dig a hole in the wall, and you'll have a pile of chalk. USE CART to collect the chalk, and you'll end up in the dump outside of Stig's home. DROP CART, then go back to Stig's house. Since you have a hole in the wall, MAKE WINDOWS. You'll make the windows.

Once you've made the windows and the chimney, Stig's home will no longer be dark and smoky, and Stig will give you something in return. It will also be late, and you will be tired. Check your INVENTORY. You'll find an arrow head (called "*ARROW*" in the inventory). You'll also find out that you got chalk dust (called "chalk" in the inventory) all over yourself from digging that hole in the chalk wall, and if you go back home with chalk dust all over you, Grandma will ground you and the game is over. USE BRUSH to clean the chalk off of yourself, then head back home. (Thankfully, you can RUN back to the chalk pit and go SOUTH from there.) Go back UP to your room, then go UP to the beam in the ceiling and DROP ARROW. Go DOWN, then go WEST to the bed and SLEEP. This ends the second chapter.

(click the pic to enlarge)

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