Saturday, December 19, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Mega Man 6 - Part 4 of 8

In this episode, we take on the last two Robot Masters before tackling Mr. X's fortress.

Blizzard Man

The seals shoot snowballs at you.

The bombs don't detonate until you stand on them. When you do, the number on the bomb counts down, and explodes when it reaches zero.

The curling puck robots just slide back and forth, changing direction only when they hit a wall.

The shield robots that move back and forth are back again. Just like last time, hit them from behind to take them out as it is their only weakness.

The icy walls (the ones like look like a stalactite and a stalagmite fused together) can only be destroyed with the Flame Blast.

The energy cans (Energy Tanks, whatever) look the same as ever.

You'll be seeing cracked blocks throughout all of these levels, but you won't be able to break them just yet.

The squid robots spit out ice cubes as they shoot homing missiles at you. Fire away with fully charged Mega Buster shots.

You'll soon come across a submarine that you'll have to move across. Avoid both the spikes on the ceiling as well as the spikes in the water below. Small ice platforms in the water are safe spots.

Blizzard Man has two attacks: sending snowflakes at you and a rolling attack. Both are easy to avoid, but the second one is harder to avoid if he's close to you or if you're standing in a corner. He's easy to beat with the Mega Buster, but you can also use the Flame Blast.

Beating Blizzard Man gives you Blizzard Attack (B.Attack), which sends out snowflakes, albeit in a more linear pattern.

Centaur Man

There's gonna be a lot of water, so you'd better be used to moving around in Dive Man's stage at this point.

The pelican robots spit robot fish at you. You'll have to take both of these things down. Also, the robots that drop from the sky just sit there in the water until you either take them out or they explode into three pieces of shrapnel that travel up the screen like a three-way shot. The one you see before you go underwater comes out before you jump up the platform leading to the pit that leads down to the water, and if you hug the wall, the robot will come out and is vulnerable from there.

The fish are the same ones we've seen jump out of pits, but they just quickly move back and forth here.

The wall turrets can shoot diagonally at you, and they can also track you. We've seen something much like this in the last game.

You'll then get out of the water...but the water will be rising and lowering from the ceiling. These are some pretty weird physics. You'll have to use the water to jump over some of the spike pits here.

If the raft robots have nowhere to land (for example, they hit a ceiling before landing head-first on the ground), they'll explode.

The submarines fly around on clouds until either one of two things happen: you shoot them or they hit a wall. They will then land in the water and try to track you, shooting a weak pellet that then drops towards the ground shortly afterwards. Get rid of them if you can, as having a few of them trying to track you once is slightly irritating at best.

There are two exits at the end. The bottom exit leads to the "fake" fight, while the top exit leads to the real one. Unless you have the Jet Power Adaptor, you won't be able to reach the real one.

Centaur Man will run to one side of the room, then shoot a bullet that will split into seven individual ones when it hits the wall. If you're far enough away, you can just stand there and not get hit by anything; otherwise, you'll have to move away. He'll also freeze you in place with a flash of the screen. This is the Centaur Flash, which is his best weapon. It's much like the Flash Stopper from the second game.

Centaur Man can also teleport out of the room and reappear in a different location a few seconds later. If he disappears, stay on the move to minimize your chances of being hit.

Beating Centaur Man will give you the Centaur Flash (C.Flash). It works just like Centaur Man's version of the same weapon, except it doesn't freeze and does instant damage when you use it. The real battle also gives you the Beat T-Parts.

Energy Balancer

Head back to Tomahawk Man's stage. Near the end, take the upper path. At the start of the path, equip the Power Armor, hang onto the bottom of the ladder and shoot a charged shot to the left to break the cracked block. Drop down and to the left, and Proto Man will give you the Energy Balancer. This automatically gives weapon energy you pick up to the weapon with the lowest amount of energy if you have the Mega Buster equipped.

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