Sunday, December 27, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang - Part 1 of 8

This game is easy, but fun, and I wish I played this game earlier. Much like Final Fantasy Mystic Quest before it, this game definitely feels like an "RPG for beginners," even though it's more of an on-rails top-down action-adventure game that allows you to save your progress.

The islands of Vladamasco were worlds away from humankind. It was a land of monsters and misfits ruled by three strong leaders: Dracuman, Vampra and General Von Hesler. And so it was for many centuries, until the greedy Von Hesler mounted an attack on the other island leaders. With dark magic and an army of zombies, Von Hesler took control of all three kingdoms. During the final battle Vampra's daughter, Camelia, fled from the castle by moonlight to seek help from Dracuman's son, Spike McFang, who was training to be a warrior on an island far away.

Fighter Island

The game starts with a car driving across a bridge to Fighter Island. Out climb sheep wearing bowties,  Professor Steam and Spike McFang, the latter of whom is the main protagonist of this game. Spike is here to learn how to fight in order to protect his kingdom when he becomes king. Suddenly, Camelia shows up and asks Spike for his assistance against Von Hesler's zombie island. Spike finds out that Camelia's mother and his parents have gone missing. Unfortunately, Spike has to train to become a warrior and has already put a deposit on the training courses, and this leads Camelia to call him a wimp and tell him to catch up with her in Ratville if it fits into his schedule before leaving.

Professor Steam heads back to Batville, and from here, you'll finally be in control of Spike.

You can jump with B and attack with Y. If you keep pressing Y, you'll do multiple spins followed by one big one, but you will get dizzy for a few seconds and unable to move after the one big spin. Holding Y lets you lift up your hat and throw it like a boomerang at enemies a short distance away.

The man with the Maoi head carrying the book will save your game if you talk to him.

There is nothing else to do but to go north. You'll meet Ching Cao Quang, the Spirit of Fighting who is also known as Clarence. (Some translation, this is.) Here, you'll need to use the B button to jump over fifteen rolling logs. Once you do that, you'll be able to go north and move on to the next training exercise.

Next, you'll learn to use the spinning attack. Use the Y button to break the rocks. The big rocks will have more hit points than the small ones. Interestingly, your health is represented on the upper-left corner by tomatoes while the enemy's health is represented on the upper-right corner by garlic bulbs. (In the Japanese version, the tomatoes were human hearts, but this was censored in the West for obvious reasons.) If you need to break multiple rocks, press Y rapidly for the big spin, but watch out. After breaking thirty rocks, you'll go north to the see-saw.

At the see-saw, walk on the lower end, and the man with the Maoi head will launch you up into the air to some cliffs above. Here, you'll learn how to use your hat as a weapon to defeat enemies from a distance. Hold Y to get your hat in the air, then aim with the Control Pad and let go of the button to knock the sheep off the balloons.

When you get on the bridge on the next screen, you'll land on a raft. Keep pressing Y to attack the Snappers that leap in and out out of the water. You'll then reach an island where you will have to fight Clarence...or rather, his magic cane. Use the fighting techniques you have learned to attack the cane, and avoid the fireballs that the cane shoots at you. If the cane gets bigger, stay away from the cane so you don't get whacked. Once you beat Clarence's magic cane, Clarence will give you an empty box that you can use to store card tricks. Use L and R to sort through your cards, then press A to use the selected card.

If you gain a level, you'll be interrupted by Professor Steam, who will call you on your cellphone to tell you that you have gained a level.

Meanwhile, Colonel Hydra has invaded Dracuman's castle, and has placed Felina in charge of the army.


You'll then end up in a town. Press the Y button to open doors to talk to the people inside, and use it to talk to villagers. Be sure to talk to Professor Steam if you need to refill your health, and talk to the man with the Moai head to save your game. Professor Steam will give you 100 G to spend on stuff, and you'll be able to save your game. Talk to Professor Steam if you need to heal.

If you press Select, you'll be able to see your stats as well as how many cards you have left. North of town is Dracuman Castle.

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