Tuesday, December 1, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride - Part 9 of 18

It's time to do some things in Falderal, which also include watching the moon fall and stealing a statuette from the Archduke during his party.

Put the mask on by clicking on it and then clicking on Valanice, then click on the door. You'll now be able to go in. (If you click anywhere else, you'll take the mask off.)

You can interact with Archduke Fifi le Yip Yap if you want by clicking on him, and you can also taste the cake if you click on it. You won't be able to talk to anyone else. If you click on the tapestry on the back wall, Valanice will go behind it and take the mask off.

You will soon be surrounded by winding stairs that go in all directions like some sort of M.C. Escher painting. By taking the path to the left and going down at the fork, you will enter the upside down room. There is a drawer on the desk in front of the door, and if you open it, you will find the magic statuette! However, it will fall to the ceiling, because you and everything else except the statuette are upside down. 

You can click on the painting to get Valanice to make a funny comment about the Archduke, and if you click on the mirror, Valanice will laugh.

Leave the room, then go back up (down?) the stairs. From here, go to the left at the fork this time. This will take you back to the beginning, because why the heck not, this makes total sense, right? Go down the stairs to the right, then follow the path. You will make it to the door that is right-side up. Clicking on the door once will cause some sort of pink powder to come out and make Valanice cough. Click on the door again, and you will enter.

You will enter another extravagant room. You can click on the basin to get Valanice to say something, and clicking on the nearby Cupid statue does the same thing. You can click on the plaque underneath the Cupid statue, but there is soot on it that will keep you from reading the whole thing. No, you cannot clean it with the petticoat.

There are also mirrors in this room that make Valanice look funny if you click on them. The one in the middle will cause Valanice's upside-down mirror image to take Valanice to the upside-down room...except the room will be right-side up! This is how you're supposed to go into the room if you know what to do, and the magic statuette will fall back down into the desk drawer. Go ahead and take the magic statuette, then follow the path and go left at the fork to get back to the party room. Valanice will put the mask back on before entering. Leave the town hall. Nobody will suspect a thing.

Back at the town, head back to the salesman. Chicken Little will show up and scream that the sky is following, then a large yellow object will fall into the fountain, scaring away the mockingbird. Chicken Little will sit at the edge of the fountain and cry as what looks like a cheese wheel floats in the fountain. Click on Chicken Little, and not only will Valanice call the object "green cheese," Chicken Little will get angry with you and it will become very obvious that Chicken Little's voice actor is the same at Mathilda's as she tells you that the "green cheese" is really the moon before running away again. If you click on the green cheese/moon, you won't be able to reach it.

At the salesman's booth, there is a sign stating "Taking advantage of suckers, back soon." I'm guessing that by his snake-like appearance, he was a snake oil salesman.

At the mockingbird's nest, there is an object inside. If you click on it, you will find a wooden nickel with Archduke Fifi le Yip Yap's face on one side and the supposed value on the other.

There is no sign on the faux shop now, but if you go in, you will get nowhere. Take the faux shop with a grain of salt by eating the salt crystals, then go in again. You will suddenly (and inexplicably) be in the faux shop. Is this supposed to make fun of the moon logic puzzles from past games (especially the fifth)?

Inside the faux shop, you will see interesting useless tat of varying functions. By talking to the proprietor, Ersatz DeFoe, Valanice and the proprietor talk about the shop. If you click on the cat clock, you'll get a dog joke. The spectacles give you a taxman joke if you click on them (and also seem to be a reference to Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe, aka "Two Guys from Andromeda"). The wooden owl in the upper-right corner, the false feet below the spectacles, the snake under glass near those and the entire glass case to the left also give some interesting dialogue, as well. 

There will be a wall of masks on the wall with no masks on it. If you click on it, you will learn Ersatz sold all the masks. (Strangely, you can't get in here until after you are able to get into town hall.)

You can click on one of the rubber chickens to get Valanice to ask about it. Ersatz says he will needs something very special in exchange for it.

The plant on the far left is a false plants. If you click on it, you'll get some hilarous banter involving the Archduke's gardener.

The books are copies of "The Wisdom of Falderal," and a copy costs one wooden nickel. Thankfully, we have one at this point, so hand it over to Erzats and you'll get the book. If you look at it with the eye and click on the front cover, you'll find out the pages are blank.

If you give Ersatz the mask, you'll trade it in for the rubber chicken.

Leave the Faux Shop. There is nothing else you can do in this area, and to continue with the game, you'll have to go all the way back to the desert.

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