Saturday, December 26, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Mega Man 8 - Part 8 of 8

Here it is: the eighth fight with Dr. Wily. This puts to rest a game that I've played beyond death and wanted to play for the channel for a while. See you next game.

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Wily Tower 3

You have some exploding platforms (some of which walk) and spike pits. At one point, it seems like you're at a dead end with an unreachable ladder and a brown rock-throwing robot. Jump onto the boulder he throws into the spike pit and use it to reach the ladder.

You'll meet Bass and Treble soon after. They combine like in the seventh game, but they also use the Evil Energy and absorb that.

Aside from dropping down to fire his arm cannon at you, he'll also fire a laser. He'll raise his hands, then fly past the top of the screen and drop down at the other side of the room. When he does, slide away from him to avoid the laser he shoots down to the floor and chases you with.

If he fires a fireball into the air, you'll see fireballs come down from the top of the screen. Five come down, followed by four, and you can stand between fireballs easily, making avoid them a piece of cake.

When you knock him down to one hit, Bass will flee. Also, in this version, "why you don't understand" has been corrected. Interesting.

After you beat Bass, all that's left is some precision platform jumping combined with a flying spiked ball and a few of those gorilla-type enemies that chuck stuff at you.

The boss here is the Slime Devil, which fights much like the Yellow Devil from the first game by sending portions of itself from one side of the room to the other. At least it's easier to dodge this time, as it goes in and out through the vents in the floor. 

To hit the eye in the center, though, you'll have to open a hole in it with your Mega Buster. The Flash Bomb and the laser shot for the Mega Buster from Dr. Light's Lab work perfectly for this, as both give you a clear shot in mere seconds. When the eye is exposed, hit it with Thunder Claw as much as you can before the hole in its head closes back up.

When the eye flies from one side of the room to the other, you'll want to slide to the other side of the room to avoid the slime wave attack. This is the only real attack that the boss has, so this is really easy.

Wily Tower 4

This is probably the easiest boss rush room to memorize in the entire series.

The left half of the room is the first half of the game, and the right half is the second half. If you know where the robot masters were located on the stage select screen for both halves of the game, you know exactly where the Robot Masters are. Just to clarify:

Left Half
Tengu Man - upper-left teleporter
Frost Man - upper-right teleporter
Clown Man - lower-left teleporter
Grenade Man - lower-right teleporter

Right Half
Astro Man - upper-left teleporter
Sword Man - upper-right teleporter
Search Man - lower-left teleporter
Aqua Man - lower-right teleporter

The floor between the two halves of the room, complete with the black wall in the background leading upwards it the elevator leading to Dr. Wily. This separates the two halves and you can (obviously) use it when it starts flashing after you've beaten all eight Robot Masters. Don't forget to refill your health after beating a Robot Master; you won't have a lot of time to pick up the health replenishment.

When you take the elevator up, you'll enter the final chamber. Dr. Wily will pin you down with a force field made of Evil Energy. Before Wily can finish Mega Man off, however, Duo jumps in and stops Wily's attack only to be severely weakened. Protoman shows up in the nick of time and gets Duo to safety, and Mega Man takes on Dr. Wily for the eighth time.

For Dr. Wily's first form, equip the Flash Bomb and fire it at the eyes of Dr. Wily's skull ship. The mouth will reveal a laser cannon that will fire a powerful laser, but if you fire the Flash Bomb so that the explosion hits the mouth, you'll cancel that attack out. Slide underneath the spinning fan blade if it bounces to the left after it detaches from the ship, and jump over it when it goes right for you and when it returns to Dr. Wily like a boomerang.

Since the Flash Bomb will constantly damage Wily as long as you can keep a Flash Bomb explosion on screen, you'll be able to jump over the projectiles that the skull ship will fire, as well as pay attention to Wily's attacks. If the ship fires a purple fireball upward, move out of the way and jump over the projectile when it splits in two and travels across the ground.

The second form is a Wily UFO. Equip the Mega Buster and fire charged shots at him. He'll constantly shoot out purple fireballs all over the room. Sometimes eight will disperse in multiple directions. Sometimes four will spiral outwards. Sometimes two big ones will go upwards and split into two smaller projectiles that travel across the floor, much like with the first form. Sometimes four will come out and they'll try to home in on you. The first three patterns are easy to avoid, but the fourth one? Not so much. You'll need to be quick and/or lucky sometimes to avoid that last pattern. At least the fireballs in the second form don't do a ton of damage, unlike the last game.

If you're running low on health, use Rush Aid. I can't stress that enough. Be sure to pick up the weapon canisters, too, so you can take on the first form again if your game is off even after you've fully healed.

Once you beat this second form, that's it. You get encased in a much bigger force field of energy that is  shaped like a skull (which is hard to notice when actually playing since it flashes so quickly). Wily Tower quickly crumbles around Mega Man and Wily...

Duo finds Mega Man after the collapse of Wily Tower and cures him of the Evil Energy, seeing visions of his past adventures as he heals him. Duo finally finds the Evil Energy in him and destroys it. Proto Man shows up after Duo saves Mega Man, who will come to soon. Duo leaves Mega Man to Proto Man, stating that with Mega Man's help, Earth will survive. He also asks Duo a favor.

Mega Man wakes up in Dr. Light's lab and finds out Duo saved him. Later, Proto Man tells Mega Man that Duo has gone. Proto Man tells him that Duo said thanks, and Mega Man thanks him in return.

The credits show concept art for the eight Robot Masters, in case you're wondering. There's also a bunch of weird ideas, such as a Pirate Man, a Drum Man, a Genie Man and a Shark Man amongst others.

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