Saturday, December 5, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX - Part 2 of 22

Now that we've been stranded on this conveniently large island, it's only natural that we explore the place. In this entry, we enter the Mysterious Forest on the way to the first dungeon.

If you talk to Marin at the statue, she will sing The Ballad of the Wind Fish.

Also, attacking a Cucco multiple times will cause a whole bunch of them to show up and attack you. Attacking the dog (which I'm guessing is actually supposed to be a fox) causes the dog to attack you.

If you talk to the dog in the doghouse next to Madame Meow Meow's house with the Ribbon, you can trade it for the Dog Food. Do it. From here, you can head back to Sale's House of Bananas and trade the Dog Food for the Bananas. Once you do that, you'll have to play through the game a bit before you can continue this trade sequence.

Mysterious Forest

It's time to head north from the well and enter the Mysterious Forest. You'll meet the Owl before you enter, and he'll mention the Tail Cave near Toronbo Shores. This place will come into play very soon, since you'll have to travel through here to find the key to enter it.

In case you forgot the last Owl message, you can go back to the spot where you last met the Owl on the map (accessible through the Select Button) and pressing A where you met him (indicated by the picture of the owl that pops up when you place the cursor on it).

The first enemy you'll meet here are Moblins. They shoot arrows and move around randomly, but that's about it. The slimes split into two miniature slimes, which you have to hit one more time to get rid of. They'll leap into you if you're close enough, but that's about it.

You'll find a raccoon during your travels. When you go north from him, you'll be warped to another part of the forest after the raccoon tells you you're going to get lost thanks to him. Apparently, you'll have to do something about him to get further here.

The small pool of water contains a fairy if you're at less than full health. Talk to it and your health will be refilled.

You'll find an open log that leads into a cave. Go in through here, break the crystals on the ground with your sword and open the chest from the bottom (which is the only way to open chests) to get 50 rupees. Continue through it to find a Heart Piece. To get it, you'll have to leave this room from the south and head back in to push all the rocks to get where you want to go...but you won't be able to pick up the skulls until later. Poo.

It should also be noted that if you strike at an item with your sword, such as a heart or a Rupee, you can pick it up with the reach of your sword. That's nice, and you'll probably be taking advantage of it more times than you can count.

Anyway, leave this room from the south, since you can't get this Heart Piece yet. There's a toadstool here. Pick it up and leave the forest.

The Moblins with swords and shields can be easily defeated with a Whirlwind Slash.

There's a cave that you won't be able to reach until you can pull the rocks out. Once again, that won't be until later in the game.

When you leave the forest from the east, you'll find a Heart Piece separated by holes in the ground. You won't be able to get this until after you explore the Tail Cave, which is the first dungeon. Anyway, follow the path to the south and keep following it. You'll find a tree house, which contains a witch. Give her the toadstool with the button you equipped it with, and you'll get the Bag of Magic Powder. Take the Magic Powder back to the raccoon and use it on the raccoon. The raccoon will spin around everywhere before turning back into Tarin, who was apparently turned into a raccoon when he fell asleep in the woods. Now that the raccoon magic is gone, you can get the Tail Key and unlock the entrance to the first dungeon. The Owl will then show up and tell you to go to the Tail Cave and grab the first Instrument.

To the north of where you find the Tail Key is the swamp, but you won't be able to do anything here. You can fight a Like-Like here. Don't let it touch you and you'll be fine.


Since I now realize that I can do it at this point, it's time to pay the fisherman north of Madame Meow Meow's house a visit. If you play the fishing game, you'll be able to catch fish for more money and also find a Heart Piece from one of the big fish on your first playthrough (which is easy to get, thankfully). Just press and hold A to throw the lure out, and if you need to, tap A to move the lure back towards you. If a fish bites the lure, keep tapping A as fast as possible to get the fish. You'll lose money on the small fish, but gain money on the big ones.

From here, I head to the Tail Cave southeast of Toronbo Shores. We'll start that dungeon next time.

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