Thursday, December 2, 2021

ZonicTHedgehog plays Tomba! - Part 13 of 17

In this entry, we do a lot of stuff! We go for the medals in the Motocross course, learn to dive deep into the water, and finally unlock fast travel.

To the right of the entrance to Trick Village is a house with a chimney. Jump into the chimney, and you'll meet the 10,000-Year-Old Man. This will complete the "The 10,000 Year Old Man" objective. He will tell you that Trick Village has sunken underwater, and that there are ten Math Beads with numbers on them hidden in the tower. If you can find all of the Beads and bring them back to him, he will tell you everything you want to know. This will trigger the "The 10 Math Beads" objective.

However, you cannot collect the Beads just by swimming through the water; you'll have to be able to dive underwater as well. The 10,000-Year-Old Man will tell you that a mermaid came by to see him, and that she found an important item that she had lost in the waterfall. Unfortunately, she cannot get to it on her own, but if you were to help her get it back, you may be able to learn how to dive. The Mermaid will be resting at the (no-longer-)Haunted Mansion. One of the doors at the Mansion leads to a pool of water that you can only dive into. Nearby will be the mermaid. Talk to her, and she will be wondering how to get the necklace from the waterfall.

Head further to the right, avoiding the trees that are sticking out of the water as you do. The blue chest that you see will contain the Seashell Necklace. Head back to the cave at the Mansion where the mermaid is and use the necklace as an item. This will clear the "The Mermaid's Entrance" objective. The mermaid will then mention that she lost something in the water here and that if you can get it you, you'll have learned how to five. This will open up the "What's Underwater?" objective. From here, you can press Down on the surface of the water to submerge, then hold the direction you need to go and press and hold Square. Tomba will dive automatically and get the Mighty Fish Food. When you put the food in the water, the Mighty Fish will show up, and depending on which place you use it in, you'll max out the experience for either the red bar, the blue bar or the green bar. This will trigger the "Mighty Fish Food" objective.

If you go further to the right from the necklace, you'll drop from a waterfall into the Deep Jungle.

If you use the Blackjack on the spiked barrel at Wobbly Wharf - without charging it - you can break the spikes, and you can push the barrels without getting hurt. If you push the barrel to the right and into the water, you'll trigger the "Where The Barrel Rolls..." objective. From there, you can go into the water and dive. When you see the barrel, the objective will be cleared. If you enter the pipe near the barrel, you'll end up back at that pink pipe at the Mansion where the water is coming out.

By bringing all 29 Leaf Butterflies to the guy in the cage at the Charity Square, the cage will fly high into the air, and you'll end up in Hidden Village. The egg in the village will hatch and you'll clear the "Leaf Butterflies" objective and get the Golden Leaf Butterfly for your efforts.

By going into the Lava Caves and going back to where you first met the thief, you'll find a white bag. This is What The Thief Forgot. Take it back to the thief in the chimney at the Mansion and use it as an item, and you'll clear the "What The Thief Forgot" objective and get two pieces of Cheese.

From here, if you talk to the guy in the red near the blue chest, you'll find out he is the head thief, and you'll trigger the "The Boss' Treasure" objective. The head thief will leave the room, and you can open the blue chest that was next to him to get the Boss' Jewel, ending the objective as quickly as you got it.

By handing the seaweed back to the town doctor in the Dwarf Village by using it as an item near her, Baron will have grown considerably and you will clear the "Seaweed For Your Health" objective. From here, you'll get Baron as an item. This clears the "Baron's Strength" objective, and from this point forward, you now have an infinite Charity Wing and you can do fast travel any time you want!

"The Pump Rocks" is completed here! If you talk to the Old Tree after completing the objective by grabbing the bird, you'll find out the Old Tree is also known as the Tree of Knowledge, and if you can ask it a question, it will probably know the answer. You'll get the "Tree of Knowledge Knows" objective for this.

Now that you have the Fuel Bar, go back to the GoGoCar at the Village of All Beginning and use it on the car. From here, you can now race on the Motocross. You'll need to cross the finish line near the Mermaid's Singing Rock before time runs out, and if you can break any past records, you'll get a medal. This will trigger the "The Mermaid's Singing Rock" objective.

As you go through the course, you can take multiple routes all while holding Right on the D-Pad, and you can also jump with X. You can also grab items such as AP gems, a Lunch Box and even a Charity Wing. There are three medals that you can get, and they all have their own objective attached to them.

- Bronze Medal (finish between 26.55 and 28.16 seconds) ("I Want a Bronze Medal")
- Silver Medal (finish between 24.96 and 26.55 seconds) ("I Want a Silver Medal")
- Gold Medal (finish in under 24.96 seconds) ("I Want a Gold Medal")

After you get your time, head to the Mermaid's Singing Rock to get your medal and clear the objective for the current medal as well as "The Mermaid's Singing Rock." If you got anything less than gold, you'll trigger the objective for the next medal up. (You need not trigger the objectives to get the medals; it is possible to get anything above Bronze first.) Also, if you get the Bronze Medal, you can get a Vitality +1.

If you don't touch anything for the beginning of the race, you can get over the big ramp in eight seconds.

Also, if you get the Gold Medal, the game will break the fourth wall by saying the game's development team must be ashamed of themselves because you won the gold.

If you go right at the Mermaid's Singing Rock area instead of up in front of the opening where the Singing Rock is, you'll go back to the raging rapids in the Deep Jungle. 

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