Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Kikoskia plays Silent Bomber - Part 2 of 23

Now that the tutorial and the nightmares of the past are over, it's time for the first real mission of the game.

Mission 01

The raid operation has failed! Every time an A-A Cannon fires, another one of our landers is blown to pieces... If this keeps up, the assault team will be wiped out!

Operation: Destroy all anti-aircraft batteries!

At the start of the mission, you'll be told that there is an E-Chip - an E-Unit power-up - in a box next to you that you can destroy. Destroy the box to get the E-Chip. The E-Chip will increase the status of your E-Unit.

Head west. If any boxes show up that spawn enemies, destroy them by laying bombs where they will be and detonate them when the boxes show up to get a ton of points. As for the enemies that come out of them, use your Lock-On Unit to take care of them with two bombs each.

Beam Gates have generators on each side. Use your bombs on the generators to blow them up and deactivate the gates. Use the Lock-On Unit to destroy them.

From here, you will have targets that you need to destroy, and they will be designated with a marker. Be sure to blow up the bombs nearby for Paralysis Liquid, which will stun enemies. Take out the turrets as well as the enemies, too. If you need to see how many targets you've destroyed, keep an eye on the upper-right corner underneath your score. 

The Gravity Liquid deals crushing gravity damage on enemies.

If you're quick on the draw when it comes to destroying a lot of enemies, you can get your point multipliers up pretty quickly. It also helps to have a lot of enemies near your bomb blasts when you do this, too.

Enemies sometimes drop health. It won't be much, but it can help, so keep a look out.

If you pick up three E-Chips, you'll get a third bomb. You can see how many bombs you can plant and detonate at any time by looking in the upper-right corner where all the triangles are.

Once you destroy all the targets, you'll get a designated exit marker telling you which direction to go and how much further you have to go to get to the next destination. Follow the marker to move ahead.

You'll then face a giant, multi-legged anti-aircraft tank. Avoid the laser cannons and stay in the center, and use the Lock-On Unit to drop bombs on the body. When you have three on there, get away and detonate, and watch out for the machine gun fire. You can destroy the legs, but the boss will start sliding around everywhere, so concentrate mainly on the body.

The boss can also shoot missiles, but the missiles hit you if you get away from the body. If the boss produces a yellow shield, it will charge forward. From here, you'll want to lay bombs on the floor to detonate when it stops moving, as you won't be able to use the Lock-On Unit as long as the shield is up and the boss is sliding around. After it is mentioned that Benoit is nowhere to be seen. From here, go ahead and exit.

You'll then see how well you did points-wise and get a rank depending on how well you did. From here, you'll be at the intermission menu. From here, you can go on to the next mission, save your game and customize your E-Unit with the E-Chips that you've found throughout the game. The E-Unit menu is useful, as it allows you power up your default bombs. With this, you can change the number of bombs you can lay down (Bomb), how far your Lock-On Unit can scan (Range) and increase your shield to decrease the amount of damage you take during gameplay (Shield).

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