Thursday, December 23, 2021

HCBailly and JB play Secret of Mana - Part 34 of 41

We're not done yet. There's more of the palace to get into. Also, I like the orb puzzle.

At the bottom of the Tree Palace is the Grand Palace. 

There are seven rooms in the Grand Palace that look like the other Palaces throughout the game. Using Analyze on the orbs will tell you which elemental works, but if you know the color palettes for the palaces, you can tell which palace is which immediately. By casting the proper spell on these orbs, you'll be able to open a path to the end. Here are the spells to use on each elemental orb:

Gnome: Gem Missile
Lumina: Lucent Beam
Luna: Lunar Magic
Salamando: Fireball
Shade: Dark Force
Sylphid: Air Blast
Undine: Freeze

When you get rid of an Orb, a National Scar will spawn. The National Scar is a palette swap of the Mystic Book, and it can cast Wall on itself and Evil Gate on your party. Also, the Doom Swords are palette swaps of the Evil Sword and can cast Stone Saber.

The Gremlins are palette swaps of the Imp, and they can turn you into a snowman and Freeze you with Frosties. The Heck Hounds can cast Blaze Wall on your party and can spawn Howlers, and they are also surrounded by Beast Zombies. The Turtlances are palette swaps of the Shellblast and can cast Light Saber.

There is a chest in the Great Palace that contains a Sword's Orb, so don't forget to find it before you leave. The Gigas Sword increases Strength by two points.

At one point, you'll need to go up a staircase to hit a switch with your weapon. You'll need to do this to open a gate. You'll also need to trigger some floor switches to move push platforms down to enter two of the orb rooms.

At the end, you'll face the Snap Dragon, which fights just like the Biting Lizard. Beating the Snap Dragon gives you the Javelin's Orb. The Elf's Harpoon raises Intelligence and Wisdom. From here, you have an shortcut back out of the Great Palace if you need it, but you'll want to head back to the Mana Seed.

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