Wednesday, December 22, 2021

HCBailly and JB play Secret of Mana - Part 33 of 41

After having made our way into the Grand Palace, we make our way even deeper into something more fortress-like and even take a...subway train?

When you head north from where you fought Hydra, you'll be in a more fortress-looking area. You'll find conveyor belts, and the first one you see has a hidden wall to the west that you can walk through to find a switch. In one room, you'll find Watts as well as the Resistance. Krissie can heal you, while Watts can forge your weapons as always.

There is another room in this area, and if you enter it, you'll find a solder who mentions "Red-blue-yellow-green" before asking what it means. Remember that for later.

If you see another brick patterns, those are drop-off points. When you walk past them, you won't be able to return.

You'll eventually have to hit another switch to open up some barriers blocking certain archways, which will allow you to continue in this area. For the area with the four brown tiles, stand between all four of them. You'll open a door.

When you see the four colored rights, hit red, blue, yellow then green with the B button. You'll open up another barrier. Go down the stairs and step on the switch along the path to open up another door to the west, which is near a switch you stepped on earlier.

This will allow you to head towards a subway. Yes, there is a subway here. Go through the open door and get to the end of the subway, but watch out for all the Ghouls. When you get off, you'll be in another area. Head south. There is a hidden switch near the end; just walk between the pair of walls on the right to step on it and open up the nearby barrier.

You'll then meet the Scorpion Army for the first time since much earlier in the game. They will send another robot named Kettle Kin to take the Mana Sword from you so they can sell it for money. Keep hitting it with spells, as Kettle Kin will use Lucid Barrier to protect itself from physical attacks, and don't stay close to it so you don't get smashed by its spinning hammer attack. Beating Kettle Kin will net you the Bow's Orb. The Wing Bow confuses enemies. Afterwards, the Scorpion Army leaves, and you'll be back outside. Head west to get to the door of the Grand Palace. It's not over yet...

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