Saturday, December 18, 2021

HCBailly and JB play Secret of Mana - Part 25 of 41

In this entry, the Empire wants to call a truce, but when we get to it, we find out it's a trap.

Go back to Northtown and enter the coffee shop/Resistance base. Krissie will be at the counter, and she will tell you that the Emperor wants a truce. The Resistance, ecstatic by the news, head to the castle to the north, not even thinking about the possibility that this could be a trap. This castle, of course, will be your next destination.

Imperial Castle

When you reach the castle, there will no longer be a barrier between you and the front door, so you can just go right on in.

Once you go in, the path is made straightforward thanks to the soldiers that keep you from going where you shouldn't. You'll soon meet Emperor Vandole, and when you talk to him, it will all be revealed to be a trap. You'll be thrown in a cell along with the Resistance.

Once in the cell, talk to the guard. You'll be let out, but you'll soon be pushed into a pit where you'll have to fight the Metal Mantis. The Metal Mantis is a more powerful version of the Mantis Ant that can cast Lunar Boost on itself and shoot Fire Beams at you to Engulf you, but it should be easy to fight given how easy it was to face the Mantis Ant. When you beat the Metal Mantis, you'll get the Glove's Orb. The Heavy Glove inflicts damage on insects and other similar creatures. Unfortunately, you won't be able to leave and forge your weapons...yet.

After you beat the Metal Mantis, stand on the black-and-white checkerboard tile. You'll be in another part of the castle. The yellow creature that bounce you around from the road to Pandora makes a return appearance here.

The Emberman can cast Lava Wave and can also split into three in addition to trying to clap you to death.

From here, you can hit the switch near the cell and free the Resistance. From here, you have complete control of where to go in the castle. You'll want to go outside the castle from the cell first, but keep in mind that you won't be able to leave the same way you came in.

The Armored Men will hit you with maces, and there are in statue form unless you touch them. Thankfully, they're pretty easy to defeat, even if they cast Defender.

If you go outside then go up the stairs to the right, you'll eventually find the Whip's Orb and the Axe's Orb in chests. Make sure you get these orbs, because once you leave this area, you can't come back. The Hammer Flail will slow enemies down, while the Golden Axe inflicts damage on insects and other creatures much like the Heavy Glove. Once again, you'll have to get out of here first to forge weapons. Watch out for the Armored Men who will spawn out of thin air in this room.

From here, you'll want to go through the front door again. The Dark Ninjas can cast Burst and use Flame Saber, but they give quite a bit of experience and gold for this point in the game.

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