Saturday, December 11, 2021

HCBailly and JB play Secret of Mana - Part 13 of 41

In this entry, we meet the Empire for the first time, then head to a new land.

Head back to the Water Palace. When you reach the palace grounds, there will be Iffish jumping around as well as a new enemy: the Water Thug. The Water Thug will throw javelins at you, and they will also perform a spin attack, but that is about all they can do. You'll also find enemies in the palace, too.

When you reach the Mana Seed, you'll learn that the Empire is here, and you'll be confronted by a man named Geshtar, who demands you hand the seed over. Regardless of whether you hand it over or run, you'll have to face the Jabberwocky in the pool of water near the seed.

The Jabberwocky has two heads that will extend outwards with the help of some long, stretchy necks and attack you. Hit the Jabberwocky with powerful weapon attacks from a distance as it slowly moves around, and use Level 2 Earth attacks such as Gem Missile against it. Once you beat the Jabberwocky, you'll get an Orb for the Bow.

Afterwards, Geshtar and his Imperial soldiers will be gone, and you'll be able to restore the seal with the Mana Sword. Jema will also be here. Talk to him for a Whip Orb. This will allow you to forge the whip into the Backhand Whip, which raises agility and evade. If you talk to him again, he will tell you he will head back home and fight the Empire there, and that the Cannon Travel south of the palace will be able to take you to the Upper Land. As for the Seed itself, just interact with it to restore the seal and bring your Mana Power back to Level 2.

If you talk to Luka, she will tell you that you must restore the Mana Sword to its full power, and that you must head head to the Lofty Mountains and see Sage Joch to learn about real courage. Unfortunately, you won't be able to head to the Lofty Mountains until much later in the game. She will also tell you to go to all eight of the world's palaces and reactivate all the seeds. From here, save your game.

Head back to the Cannon Travel area south of the palace. You can now go to the Upper Land.

Upper Land

When you land, talk to the Moogles. You'll find out Pebblers have taken over their village. 

You'll also find Watts here. From this point forward, you'll find him in other locations.

As you explore this area, you'll find out that the place is split into four areas, each with their own seasons. The pink trees are spring, the green trees are summer, the brown trees are autumn and the white trees are winter.

The Backhand Whip raises agility and evade percentage. The Short Bow is a more powerful version of the bow, but does not have any special capabilities.

If you go south, you'll meet Neko. The Silktails - purple Rabite recolors - can cast Acid Storm and Energy Absorb on you, and they can also cure themselves and other enemies with Cure Water. Their spells are not very powerful, however.

The Riot Gas will send whoever gets it out of a chest into unconsciousness.

The Steamed Crab can throw its claw around itself like a boomerang to damage anybody near it, and can cast Thunder Saber on itself to deal even more damage.

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