Sunday, December 12, 2021

HCBailly and JB play Secret of Mana - Part 14 of 41

In this entry, we save the Moogle Village from Pebblers, then we have to go through the Upper Land in a specific way to open up a path to the Wind Palace.

Northwest of the "summer" area is the Moogle Village. You'll face a bunch of hedgehogs called Pebblers. They love to block your physical attacks as they move quickly under the ground every so often and throw dirt around in a circle, so use your most powerful attack magic against them and smack them as they are looking around. After you beat all the Pebblers, leave. The Moogles will come back, and you can come back here to forge weapons and buy items. 

By talking to a Moogle, you'll get a clue as to what to do next from Popoie. "Walk the seasons from spring to winter, spring again and we can enter." From here, go east from Spring to go to Summer, North from Summer to go to Autumn, west from Autumn to go to Winter, and south from Winter to go to Spring again and reveal a hidden entrance.

There are also treasure boxes here. You can get an Axe's Orb and a Glove's Orb from them. The Moogle Claws can put enemies to sleep, and the Stout Axe increases Constitution by two points.

The owl enemies, known as Nemesis Owls, can cast Level 4 Silence on enemies. This reverses your controls for a limited time, but you can get rid of it with Remedy or a Medicinal Herb.

Treasure chests containing Riot Gas will shrink you temporarily. You can perform magic while shrunk, but your physical attacks will be useless in this form. Once again, you can use Remedy or a Medicinal Herb to get rid of, and this time, you'll have to do that, as it won't wear off on its own.

When you trigger the hidden entrance, go north from the northeast corner of the spring area. This will take you to the hidden Sprite village. Unfortunately, the village will be in shambles, and there will be a monster to the north. This is the Spring Beak, and it will bounce around the arena while hitting you with Thunderbolt. Use a Level 2 Earth Slide against it to do max damage with your magic. As for physical attacks, attack the head, as that is its weak point. Using distance weapons like the whip or the boomerang is sound advice here. When you beat the Spring Beak, you'll get the Boomerang's Orb.

You'll then open a path to the north which leads to the Wind Path. Inside is Popoie's grandfather. Receive the Mana Seed's power, then talk to the man. He will tell you that the Empire's men blinded him as they undid the Seed's seal, then tells Popoie that humans are breaking seals and releasing monsters which are consuming Mana. He will ask Sylphid, the elemental of Wind, to accompany oyou on your journey, and tell you to use Analyzer on orbs to see what elemental works on them. He also tells you that there is an orb that opens the way to Matango, where a dragon that can help you is also located. From here, the old man can heal you and save your game.

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