Tuesday, December 14, 2021

HCBailly and JB play Secret of Mana - Part 19 of 41

In a much colder land, we find out that Santa Claus exists in the Mana universe. Who knew?

Along the way, you'll find a house. Nearby is Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. He will tell you that his master - who is more than likely going to be Santa Claus, because why not? - is gone and that a monster took him. If you go into the house, you can find the Spear's Orb, which will allow you to forge the Spear into the Halberd. The Halberd confuses enemies with Silence sometimes, making it a useful weapon.

The turtles with the Spears are called Shellblasts. They can cast Ice Saber as well as Cure Water, making them a pain to deal with, and they can block your physical attacks pretty well. They can also duck into their shells and spin at you. The cloud enemies are called L.A. Funk, and they can cast Acid Storm and Freeze on your party members. Since they are clouds, physical attacks have absolutely no effect on them and you will have to use magic to defeat them.

You'll eventually come across an arena-like area where you will face Boreal Face, which is a palette swap of Tropicallo. While it still has the vine attack, can still spit pumpkin bombs like mortar shots and can still teleport around the arena by burying itself underground, it can also cast Burst on a single party member for some good damage. Beating Boreal Face will net you a Orb, which will allow you to get the Bow of Hope, which is effective on evil/non-living enemies.

After beating Boreal Face, you'll find a village where there is absolutely no snow and the weather is warm. If the music sounds familiar, that's because the Scorpion Army is here. You can talk to all the villagers here if you want, but to advance the plot, you'll have to talk to the guy near the stove. The guy near the stove will tell you to watch the stove and to whack it if it cools down. As you stand there, you'll hear a knock from inside the stove. When asked if you want to open it, say "yes." You'll open the stove and free Salamando, the fire elemental guardian of the Fire Palace. (Salamando would be renamed "Salamander" in future games in the Mana series.) Afterwards, the snow will come back and the Scorpion Army will get mad at you before leaving. As far as the Fire Seed goes, one of them will mention that they saw an odd old guy when they took Salamando.

Here are Purim's Salamando spells:

Flame Saber: Enchants a weapon with the power of fire, allowing for the Engulfing of enemies. (2 MP)

Fire Bouquet: Damages enemies, lowering their attack power. (3 MP)

Blaze Wall: Damages enemies and Engulfs them for even more damage. (4 MP)

Here are Popoie's Salamando spells:

Fireball: Three fireballs hit an enemy or multiple enemies for light damage. (2 MP)

Exploder: A fiery detonation does heavy damage. (4 MP)

Lava Wave: Not as powerful as Exploder but more powerful than Fireball, this attacks enemies with lava and looks pretty cool. (3 MP)

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