Monday, December 6, 2021

HCBailly and JB play Secret of Mana - Part 3 of 41

After meeting with Luka at the Water Palace, we head to Pandora and find out there is even more trouble brewing...

From here, head south and keep going south once you make it to where you landed from using the Cannon Travel service. You'll be back on the path to Pandora.

Path to Pandora

The Lullabuds masquerade as normal flowers unless you either attack them or get close enough. Besides their close range attack, they can also cast Sleep Flower on you and put you to sleep for a little while, leaving you vulnerable to attack.

Just west of here is Neko's shop. You can buy any healing items you want, but it is more expensive than going to a normal shop and buying stuff there. As a matter of fact, it's double the price compared to all the other stores in the game. If you spend time fighting enemies for more experience and money, this isn't an issue. Also, this shop is the only Neko shop that doubles as an inn. You'll be seeing Neko in multiple places throughout the game.

As you continue south, Randi will be kidnapped by goblins who will take you to their village to cook you. A girl in pink will suddenly show up and free him as the goblins are dancing, then they get out of there. She will then tell you that she is looking for somebody, then heads east without even giving her name. 

The Mushbooms will attack you with a powder attack that will knock you unconscious briefly. If you have a Medical Herb, you can cure Poison (and other status ailments). If left alone long enough, the Mushbooms will also spin around on their heads and do contact damage.

The yellow creature that keeps blinking its eyes acts as a shortcut back up if you need one. Just move into it and it will lift you upwards.


If you came here before coming to the Water Palace, you would not have been able to enter the town. Now that you have, you can. The guard will tell you that you have been allowed in if you showed up, and that Sir Jema of Tasnica is meeting the king. He also tells you not to talk to the people in the town. As you'll soon see, some of them are giving the silent treatment for some reason. You'll also find out that the master and his daughter are at the castle arranging the daughter's marriage. (Keep this in mind for a little later.)

There is an armor shop in town, but the dancer will not talk to you.

You can also head to the castle, which is opposite the town entrance. By talking to the people around here, you'll learn that most of the townspeople have become zombies and that Dyluck has went off with a group of soldiers to face Elinee to try to reverse what is happening. You'll also find out that there are people in the ruins to the south wearing strange masks.

As you make your way to the throne room, you'll find out the master's name is Sir Elman and that they are upstairs. You'll soon meet the daughter, who is the same girl who saved you from the goblins. After saying that he plans to make decisions about her own life, she will soon meet you and tell you that she needs your help to fight Elinee and save Dyluck, even though you're heading to the Underground Palace. While you can name her anything, her default name is Purim, and she will join your party. She also has her own weapon: a pair of brass knuckles known as the Spike Knuckle.

If you want to switch between Randi and Purim, press Select.

In the throne room, you'll meet Jema. You'll find out that Elinee is draining the energy of the people of the town, who are turning into zombies and heading into the ruins south of town. Jema says he will take care of this while you head to Gaia's Navel, then walks off.

There are stairs to the left of the throne room, but you won't be able to enter the treasure room.

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