Wednesday, October 6, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Tomba! - Part 22 of 22

This is it. We take on the Motocross, get all the medals in record time, get the Psychic Fish, find our seven friends and beat the ultimate Evil Pig.

From here, it's time to go the Village of All Beginnings, return to the GoGoCar and use the Fuel Bar on it. From here, we'll enter the Motocross Course. You'll learn that you'll have to race as fast as you can through the Motocross Course to get a prize. This triggers the "The Mermaid's Singing Rock" objective.

Your only controls are holding Right on the D-Pad to go right and the X button for jumping. To get the Gold Medal, you'll need to hold Right the whole time, and jump only when you need to. Those only times are when you need to jump over the Koma Pigs lying on the ground. This video explains how to do it perfectly.

The best time is 24.96 seconds, and if you can beat that, you'll get the Gold Medal for the Five Golden Items and complete the "I Want A Gold Medal!" objective. If you get a time between 24.96 and 26.55 seconds, you'll get the Silver Medal and complete the "I Want A Silver Medal!" objective. If you get a time between 26.55 and 28.16 seconds, you'll complete the "I Want A Bronze Medal!" objective. Along with the Bronze Medal, you'll also get a Vitality Max +1, which is the last one left in the game. You have to get the Bronze Medal to get the Vitality Max +1.

Strangely, you have to complete the course once before you can place for medals. Thanks, game. Once you complete the course once, you can get a medal and complete the "The Mermaid's Singing Rock" objective.

When you get a medal-winning time, press Up at the arch at the background in the beach area where you end up to talk to the Mermaid. You'll get your medal and a cleared objective.

If you strike the pump rocks with any of your weapons, you can get fruit to come out of them. You can only do this once per pump rock.

When you go back to the Million-Year-Old Man with all five Gold items, you'll clear the "The 5 Golden Items" objective and get the Psychic Fish, which can make you run faster and jump higher than before when equipped. When equipped, Tomba's skin will be onyx black while his pants and hair will be a silvery white.

There's nothing else to do but to find the seven friends. As you do this, however, you'll find out that you'll only be able to find six friends. Here is where they are at:
  • The dwarf in light blue in the Dwarf Village near the doctor's hut
  • The guard to the right of the sign at the Y Crossing in the Village of Civilization
  • The guard in the Iron Castle in the Village of Civilization
  • The guy standing in front of the table in the Factory in the Village of Civilization
  • The man all the way to the right near the cart full of barrels in Baccus Village
  • The thief at the upper-right in the room full of poles you can swing on in the Haunted/Thief's Mansion
Oh, and I open up one more chest with a Large Lunch Box in it somewhere in the mansion. Fun.

Now that you've found the first six friends, go back to The Strange, Small Room. Baron will join the other friends when you bring the first six friends, completing the "Seven Friends" objective and opening the door to the Black Evil Pig. When the door opens, however, you'll immediately enter the door and fight the Black Evil Pig. When you talk to him, you'll find out that he created all of the other Evil Pigs and that he treats the world much like a grand toy box as you meet him in a room littered entirely with gold.

The Black Evil Pig will teleport around the room, and will stun you if are nearby and not quick enough to jump on him before teleporting again. The Black Evil Pig Bag will move up and down on the right side of the room, with the opening facing left. There will be four small platforms in a diamond pattern to stand on while waiting for the Evil Pig. Stay on the left end of the "diamond" and wait for the pig to show up nearby, then be ready to be right on top of him around the time that he stops flashing and becomes solid. Once you throw the Black Evil Pig in the bag, the island where the battle took place will crumble as Tomba flies away on Baron. The four old men will congratulate Tomba on beating the Evil Pigs, then Tomba heads home as the credits roll. "Grandpa's Bracelet" will be completed after the credits sequence.

With all that, all 130 objectives in the game are completed, and the Evil Pigs are beaten! Congratulations!

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