Friday, October 29, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Franklin's Great Adventures - Part 6 of 6

In this entry, we finally tie up all the loose ends with the mini-games and we complete the last level of the game before celebrating Franklin's birthday!

When you talk to Franklin's dad, you'll find out that today is Franklin's birthday and that his friends have a surprise for him. He will then tell you to look for Bear outside of the schoolhouse. Find Bear to the northwest and talk to him. You'll find out that everyone is going canoeing, and that you and Bear can catch up with them by walking through the woods. There will be a big red number to the west. Touch it to enter the final level of the game.

Level 8

A canoe race is taking place near Woodland. Go through the forest with Bear to get to the race. Also, get the last 120 fruits.

Make sure that both characters are on the same side of a log when Bear pushes it; otherwise, the game will treat the character who is not behind you like a solid object and you won't be able to push the log until they are out of the way.

For the first puzzle, go up the ladder with Bear and take him to the right. Hit the red button so you can get Franklin over the brambles.

For the second puzzle, keep Bear on the green button to the left. This will allow you to get the fruit to the left with Franklin. For the green button to the right, push the log onto that switch with Bear, then get Bear on the left button. This will allow Franklin to go up and to the right (get the log off the right button for those three fruits) and press the green button to lower the nearby leaf platform. Use the log to get Bear on that platform, then get off the green button you just stood on with Franklin. From here, you can get to the next checkpoint.

For the third puzzle, get Franklin up with the ball. Get Bear on the leaf platform to the right and hit the blue button with Franklin. Get Bear up to the tree platforms. Meanwhile, you'll need to get Bear on the blue switch and Franklin to the bottom area. Get the leaf platform back to the bottom with Bear, get Franklin to the leaf platform, hit the blue button with Bear to get Franklin to the other side and crawl to a red button, hit that red button and get to the tree platform. Through all this time, you'll see two red buttons next to each other. You can now get Franklin and Bear on them to bring a leaf platform to you, which will take you to the next checkpoint.

For the fourth puzzle, get Franklin all the way to the right, and climb down the ladder. With Bear, head to the right and hit the blue button, then take him to the right and hit the red button next to the leaf platform you just lowered. This breaks the rock wall to the right. Switch to Franklin and bring him down to where Bear is. 

Jump over the spiders to get past them, and duck under the bees to be safe. You'll need to do this with both characters.

Afterwards, get Bear up the ladder. If you go to the left and crawl into the wall that you see, you'll find some hidden fruit. (You'll need to get Franklin up here to do this, I believe. I end up showing this off individually, because I didn't think there'd be a secret wall there. The game sure showed me!) Take Bear to the right and push the log to the right and to the ground. Get the log and Bear on the two green buttons to open a bridge for Franklin to get to the other side with, then push the log to the right so that Franklin can access the platform with the ball. Bounce him up to the red button above and hit it to open a bridge to the end of the level.

The Canoe Race

Go down the river on the canoe and make sure you avoid the obstacles. Press the L and R buttons to paddle and move left and right. To go straight ahead, switch between the L and R buttons quickly.

The shoulder buttons are your only means of moving forward, so keep alternating between them! Also, make sure you touch as few walls as possible, as hitting walls and obstacles will cost you time if you do it way too much.

After you complete the mini-game, you'll need to talk to Franklin's mom. Before we do that, though, Fox is nearby. Talk to Fox with 280 fruits for the last mini-game you'll need to pay fruits for. This will give you the Knights mini-game.

Franklin the Knight

Hit all the targets that appear in front of you. Choose a target with the Control Pad and hit it with the A button.

All you have to do is hold the Control Pad in the direction of the bag you want to slash, then press A to slash it. Be ready to move and slash quickly, because the bags show up pretty quickly. By completing this, you'll fill up Fox's friendship gauge.

When you talk to Franklin's mom, she'll tell you to head to the town square to go to you birthday party. Touch the balloons to end the game. You can't do anything at the birthday party, so once you see everyone in the game on-screen at once, press A and you'll go back to the main menu.

But wait, we forgot a mini-game! On the way to Mr. Marmot, we saw Goose. I thought we talked to Goose after getting the Seashells. I didn't. Doing so opens up one more mini-game, assuming you found all ten seashells in Level 5.

The Sand Castle

Careful! The crabs want to take the shells decorating the castle. Stop the crabs by blocking them with Franklin's rake. Move the rake right and left with the Control Pad.

There are twenty seashells to save. Some crabs are slow, while others are fast. Thankfully, you don't need to have the rake dead center in front of the crabs to turn them away. Also, as long as you have one shell, you'll complete this mini-game. That's good, because these crabs can be relentless and quite a few of them can slip by you.

By completing this mini-game, we fill up Goose's friendship gauge! We've helped everyone out and we've done everything in the game!

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