Friday, October 22, 2021

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy II AGAIN - Part 21 of 65

In this entry, we go further into Kashuan Keep.

There is a glitch where if a character dies before they can attack in the first round, they will attack when they are revived.

The Mallet cures the Amnesia spell, which is the permanent version of Silence, which keeps you from casting spells.

The Ghasts can Paralyze with their physical attacks and can cast Blind. You can meet them here, but HCBailly does not meet them until a little bit later. They are also strong against Ice attacks.

The chest with the Gold Armor contains new monsters: Mines. They're just like the Balloons, except they area a Rank 3, their physical defense is really high and they can hit you with a Level 5 SelfDestruct spell. You're better off using Fire or a powered-up offensive spell on them.

The Land Turtles (LandTrtl) are weak to Ice.

Ogre Mages can show up here and, like before, they can drop one of many spell tomes. The rarest one is Warp, which can help you get out of dungeons and instantly kill enemies.

The Wraiths are a Rank 2 enemy and are strong against Ice attacks. They can also drain 1/16th of your current HP with their physical attacks.

When you make it to the chest with the Egil's Torch, you'll meet up with the Red Soul, the torch's guardian.

The Red Soul absorbs all magic (even spells like Cure and Heal), and it also has high physical defense, so your weapons will barely make a dense unless they're really powered up. For best results, remove all armor and any off-hand things such as shields and non-main hand weapons at the beginning, keep shields and non-main hand weapons in your item slots, and then get re-equipped as you get closer to the end of the battle. If you attack it with the Ancient Sword, though, you'll be able to Curse the Red Soul if the sword connects, and you'll be able to weaken its physical and magical defense and offense. It'll be smooth sailing from there. The Scourge spell (also known as Arrow in the previous version of this Let's Play under the NeoDemiForce translation) has a chance of Poisoning your party, and it can hurt, so be ready to cure your party.

Once you beat the Red Soul, you'll be able to get the Egil's Torch. Use Teleport to get out of there (don't forget to heal!), then go back in and go to the Sunfire to light the torch. When you leave the castle again, you'll see the Warship chasing after Cid's Airship.

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