Tuesday, October 19, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Barbie: Magic Genie Adventure - Part 2 of 5

In this entry, we explore the Magical Forest and the City of Clouds. We won't be able to do everything here right away, but sooner or later, we'll be able to go back and do some things.

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Magical Forest

The Magical Forest has a whole new set of things to see and do.

The tree with the face at the lower-left corner of the village will ask you to water its roots if you talk to it. You won't be able to do this for quite some time.

The Village Elder has Terra's magic ring, and he is dressed in red. To get the ring, you'll have to play a game called "Field of Flowers." Use the Control Pad to move the rain cloud around the screen and water each square just once. You cannot move back onto any tile that you have watered in any way, so you have to take a rigid path across the screen to water all the squares. Thankfully, the game is pretty easy when you know what to do. If you make a mistake, press the B button.

After the first time, you get Terra's magic ring. After the second time, you'll get a new flying carpet that gives Barbie a green color scheme if you were Terra's magic ring. After the third time, you'll get Terra's powers, which allows you to break through pink rocks with an earthquake and also talk to animals with Terra's ring equipped.

By talking to the people around here, you'll find out that the water in the Magical Caverns comes from Hidden Atlantis, and that rocks have blocked the water's path.

If you talk to the unicorn at the bottom of the village with Terra's magic ring equipped, it will tell you that it has always wanted to fly high in the sky, but wishes it had the Magic Feather to do it with. You'll find the Magic Feather soon enough. 

One of the treehouse roofs has a bow on it. Pick it up. One of the kids at the bottom needs it, and if you talk to the kid to the right of the Magical Caverns entrance, you can trade it for a gold arrow.

From here, enter the Magical Caverns. The entrance is the door inside the tree. Terra's magic lamp is all the way in the upper-right corner of the map, and all you have to do is just fly to the right from the start to get there. Press A at the lamp, now that you have Terra's ring, and you'll free Terra and be able to head to the City of Clouds and find Sylvia's ring and lamp. Don't worry about the brown rock wall below the lamp area, as you'll break those rocks eventually.

In the upper-right corner of the Magical Forest is the entrance to the City of Clouds.

City of Clouds

The old man with the wings and crown is who you need to talk to in order to get Sylvia's ring and powers. This is the King of the Clouds, and he wants your help in teaching his Pegasus babies how to fly. In "Pegasus Flight School," you'll have to get the Pegasus to the cloud at the top by jumping from cloud platform to cloud platform. Some platforms move, while some others don't. Left and Right move the Pegasus, while A lets you jump a fixed distance in the direction that your Pegasus is currently facing, which takes a little time to get used to. If you switch directions while jumping, the Pegasus will turn around and boost upwards a little bit before dropping straight down, and you can time this to land in a certain spot. If you press A while in mid-air, your Pegasus will fly in the direction it is facing for a few seconds.

By beating this game the first time, you'll get Sylvia's magic ring. The second time around, you'll get an orange color theme for Barbie if you wear Sylvia's magic ring. The third time around will give you Sylvia's whirlwind power, which creates a big gust of wind that destroys the brown rocks like the ones in the Magical Caverns when you press B. You'll also move a lot faster.

There is a blacksmith at the bottom of the village, and he unfortunately has no fire for his kiln. You'll have to come back later to help him.

Another woman with red hair will tell you she dropped her favorite necklace through the volcano in the Dragon's Playground and fears she will not see it again. You won't be able to help her for a little while.

In the upper-right corner of the city is the Secret Cloud, where Sylvia's magic lamp is located. You'll have to work your way to the upper-right corner of the maze that is here to find Sylvia's lamp. Press A at the lamp to free Sylvia. The Crystal Raindrop is above the Secret Cloud entrance, bt you won't be able to get it yet.

To the left of the Secret Cloud is the observatory. The woman here will tell you that she lost her Crystal Raindrop that allows her to see in the future. Further to the left is a cloud where the Magic Feather is located. Give this Magic Feather to the unicorn in the Magical Forest by talking to it to turn it into a Pegasus to get another trinket.

By flying low near the mountains, you'll enter the Dragon's Playground. This is the fourth area of the game.

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