Tuesday, September 21, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Tomba! - Part 7 of 22

In this entry, the dangers of exploring Phoenix Mountain rear their ugly collective head.

In the Mushroom Forest, use the Blue Powder on a flower when it opens up, then throw it at a red one when that flower also opens up. By throwing the blue flower into the red flower, a mushroom will pop up where both enemies collide. Jumping on it and throwing it turns us black and white and completes the "Red + Blue = ?" objective. By being black and white, we get the abilities of an item we won't see until later called the Psychic Fish, and we can dash without holding Square while also being able to jump higher.

I also go to the Phoenix Mountain and head to the smile door at the top of the second section while under the influence of a Laughing Mushroom. From here, I hold Up at the door, press Circle to laugh and complete the "Smile!" objective. Inside the door is a Charity Wing...and Yan! Turns out he's hiding here, too.

Below the first small platform on the way to the Lava Caves, there is a doorway on a ledge. If you enter it, you'll end up above a door with a keyhole that you can't enter yet. It also makes it easier to get to the other side.

By going back to where we jumped on the Phoenix, you'll meet a mouse from Baccus Village who tells you that you'll need a grapple to get through the Lava Caves to get to the Phoenix's nest. Thankfully, we get to the Lava Caves on the other side, and the man at the end tells you that he is waiting for the one with the 1,000 Year Old Key to show up and open the blue chest. This opens up the "A Precious Treasure Chest?" objective.

Inside the Lava Caves, you'll find a Baccus Village mouse, a 1,000 Year Old Chest and a save sign. You'll also get the "The Fire Pig Bag" objective. Sadly, the fire keeps you from going further. By talking to the mouse, you'll get Charles' Pants. Leave the Lava Caves, go down the ladder and enter the doorway to return to the beginning and complete the "Where Did I Come From?" objective. Find Charles and use his pants as an item to complete the "Charles' Pants" objective. For returning Charles' pants, you'll get the Funky Parasol, which allows you to slowly glide downward in the air, and by pressing Down, you can speed up your descent.

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