Saturday, September 11, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus (GBA) - Part 22 of 25

In this entry, we make a TON of progress regarding the Battle Mode. Next time, we finish this off and also get Race Mode started.

Map 8

Qualifying Score: 20

For this map, the lasers alternate between the horizontal and the vertical when it comes to which ones fire when. You'll want to pay attention to the lasers at all times and anticipate when they turn on and off so you can move through the corridors safely and effectively while getting as many crystals as you can.

Map 9

Qualifying Score: 15

For this one, you have four blocks in the corners much like in Map 7. This time, you have two guards to deal with instead of one. You'll want to be careful as you move around and pay attention to where the crystals are, and if you need to beat up the guards to get them off your case, by all means, do it.

Map 10

Qualifying Score: 25

For this map, you have two long, alternating lasers and a platform moving from side to side between them. Whatever you do, do not dash here; running will make it easier for you to mess up and get zapped by one of the lasers. Also, you can duck immediately after pulling yourself up the moving platform by holding Down right after you pull yourself up. It helps with the crystals at the top of the room.

Map 11

Qualifying Score: 20

For this one, you have a Triceraton at the bottom, four pinball bumpers at the top and two bounce panels at the side. Once again, Mikey is ideal, as you can attack downwards to get yourself between the bumpers easily and you can use the float ability to get some of the crystals that are way up high.

Map 12

Qualifying Score: 25

This map has nothing but alternating spike pads for floors, and you'll need to anticipate which sets of spikes will go in and out and when they will do it. As long as you don't rush and you pay attention here, you'll be fine. I'm surprised none of the turtles say "My toe! My toe!" when they take damage from the spikes, as they have the animation from the original series' games when they do.

Map 13

Qualifying Score: 20

There are four bounce panels in the corners, three pinball bumpers above and a Triceraton on the floor. What works for earlier maps that are much like this one will also work here, so bring Mikey. Not much new to say here, even if this one can be a little more difficult due to the more cramped layout.

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