Tuesday, September 28, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Tomba! - Part 14 of 22

In this entry, I do more noodling around than I do completing objectives, but at least I get a few extra lives.

At Charity Square, I open a blue chest to get a big AP gem, then put the last of the Leaf Butterflies in the cage. By bringing all 29 Leaf Butterflies to the guy in the cage at the Charity Square, the cage will fly high into the air, and you'll end up in Hidden Village. The egg in the village will hatch and you'll clear the "Leaf Butterflies" objective and get the Golden Leaf Butterfly for your efforts.

Also, Yan is near where the statue used to be. By talking to him, you'll learn about the existence of the Flower Tower, but he will leave it to you to find where it is and tells that you need to do a few things in order to find it. You'll also complete the "Hide and Go Seek" objective and get the Golden Bowl, which lets your maximum health go beyond eight units.

In the Lava Caves, I find a 1-Up in a blue chest, then - after some exploration - leave the Lava Caves and notice a wooden (read: 100-Year-Old) chest to the left. Inside was two Charity Wings, though.

From here, I head back to the north side of the Thief's/Haunted Mansion and enter the door near the Smile Door. Inside is the leader of the thieves, and if you talk to him, you'll find out that he has lost his treasure, too. He will then leave, and you can open up the blue chest that was behind him to get the Boss' Jewel. By grabbing this, you'll get 100,000 AP and complete the "The Boss' Jewel" objective that you just revealed by talking to the guy.

Remember the door at the other end of that moving platform that lead to some stone doors? If you open the chest that is here, you'll get a Vitality Max +1.

In the Mushroom Forest, I go chest hunting and find a 1-Up and two Charity Wings. The yellow flower in the background near the end is the one that has yet to bloom. Keep it in mind for later.

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