Wednesday, September 15, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Monster Party - Part 7 of 8

In this round, we climb up a tower. This one went pretty well, all things considered. 

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Round 7

Oh, lord. You'll be climbing up a tower here.

The guy in the fencer mask walks left and right just like the ghost and the guy with the weird-looking salmon covered face, but he switches directions in very random intervals. It's really strange.

If you hit the guy with the salmon covered face, you'll find out it's a raggedy little mask and that he's an elephant man. Seriously, he's hiding an elephant head under there. Hit him and you'll see it! Honest!

The pink bats move at an angle and bounce off the sides of the screen like the ball in a game of Pong, so it's easy to tell where he's going. Beating him is another matter, usually because of all the other enemies you may have to deal with at the time.

The door on the third floor takes you to Royce the Caterpillar. He's probably a reference to Rolls Royce, since he rolls around the screen. You're better off getting Bert for this, since he's pretty fast and can take off a couple bars of life with one hit. Also, Bert will have an easier time hitting him.

The door on the eighth floor is the Grim Reaper battle. Notice that he says the word "hell" before you fight him. How this slipped past Nintendo of America censors is beyond me. Anyway, when you beat your second boss, you'll get a key.

The door on the thirteenth floor is the giant spider. Again. This time around, he's orange and he has the Roman numeral "II" on his back. Besides being even more powerful this time around, beating all three monsters actually takes the key to the exit away from you due to buggy programming. So you're better off not fighting him.

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