Wednesday, September 1, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays The Adventures of Batman & Robin (Super NES. Hard) - Part 3 of 8

Despite the randomness and non-linearity of this level, I like it.

Fowl Play

The third stage starts with Batman getting an emergency call from Robin concerning a break-in at the Gotham City Museum. He says that it is the work of a large gang. Batman asks Robin to meet him at the museum, as he will need his help. Alfred will call to tell Batman to make sure he has all the tools he needs as there have been power outages.

At the equipment screen, bring your Flashlight. It will be absolutely essential. Also, bring the Plastic Explosives.

After Batman and Robin split up, equip and use the Flashlight. As you go to the right, you will see these dark dots on the floor. These are mines, and if you step on them, they will hurt. Jump over them. Believe it or not, you can sweep the room by repeatedly pressing A. Make sure that you have the light down and ahead so you can see what's about to be in front of you.

At the right-most end of the room you start in, there will be a staff member. Walk up to him and press Down on the Control Pad to free him. He will tell you that the staff were attacked by some kind of bird-like thing. He also asks you to help the rest of the staff and that tells you that there is an elevator down the middle corridor. From there, go down to the security room in the basement.

Unlike the first two levels, this one is not linear. Here, you're going up and down in addition to left and right. So be careful.

Head left. Jump over the mines again and enter the first corridor in the background that you see. (There is a sign with a pair of red arrows and "B" and "A" on it. Remember it for later.) Go into the elevator and go down, then go left. Go further left, and keep the Flashlight on to jump over some mines. Go up at the half-opened door that you see, then go right and free the security guard. He will tell you that someone suddenly burst into the room, knocked him out and stole the master key. He will also tell you that the Curator and four other workers are still in the museum. After this, the lights will come back on, and if you go left, you will meet Robin and the curator. The Curator will give you the master key, which will open just about any door in the museum. He also says that he and Robin have a rough idea of where everyone else is, and to use the intercom to stay in contact.

Robin will tell you where the two workers you need to rescue are. The locations of the workers are completely random, so pay attention to what Robin says in your playthrough and not in the video, and don't forget to use that intercom! 

Now that the lights are back on, watch out for grey dots. Those are the mines. Also, there will be enemies much like the ones in the first level. Take them out as you head right to the open corridor where you came in before. Take the elevator back up to the first floor. From here, you can either go left to Block B or back to the right for Block A.

We're going to Block A. Equip the Master Key (which is an ID card) and beat up enemies and jump over mines as you press Up with the Master Key equipped at every door you come across. It won't be long before you enter one of them and find the worker who is there. Free him. If you go to the intercom in the open corridor and press Up (it's the telephone mounted on the wall), Robin will repeat where you need to go.

The heart obviously refills your health.

There are three types of enemies: guys who attack with their fists, guys who shoot at you with pistols and guys who shoot at you with machine guns. If you stun the gun-toting enemies with the Batarang, they will drop their weapons and will be forced to fight you with their fists, making them easy pickings.

The door to the left of the intercom in Block A of the first floor leads to a hallway with a reflective floor. You can get some energy for one of your weapons as well as a heart here. This hallway lets you cross over to Block B of the first floor without going to the elevator.

Throwing an enemy into another enemy will kill both of them. Also, guys with guns cannot hit you at close range, for some weird reason.

If you use the intercom after rescuing all the workers, Batman will let Robin know. Robin will tell you to come back, and he and Batman will come to the conclusion that The Penguin is the one responsible for what is going on here, as he is trying to steal the artwork being displayed on the second floor. Unfortunately for him, his master key will not open the door to the room containing the artwork as the door has a four-digit combination lock. Before he can ask the Curator what it is and relay it to Batman, however, he is suddenly attacked by The Penguin, who makes his presence known before turning the lights back off.

If you take too long to get to the intercom and talk to Robin, the lights will go out anyway. (If you do this, it messes with the continuity of the in-game conversations a little bit, as no alternate dialogue exists in case you don't talk to Robin on the intercom.)

Regardless of what happens, go back to Block B of the basement and head to the security room. Robin will be tied up. Free him. Robin will tell you that The Penguin has kidnapped the Curator. After Batman says he will rescue him, Robin will tell him where the Curator is as well as your current location. The lights will then come back on.

Just like with the museum staff, the Curator's location will be random each time you play, and you will have to look through all the doors to find him. When you find and free him, he will tell you the secret combination (which is also random) to the door to the art on the second floor.

There is not much to the second floor at all, and the combination look door is pretty easy to identify. Press Up at the door, enter the combination, and there you go. You'll eventually come face-to-face with The Penguin, who sends Scrap the vulture after you. When Scrap dives at you, punch it so it gets knocked down, back up, then punch Scrap again when Scrap comes after you. After seven punches, the vulture goes down. You can also use the Batarang.

After you beat Scrap, keep going right and go up the stairs. You'll finally fight The Penguin.

To beat The Penguin, avoid the gunfire from the Raven XJ-11 Attack Helicopter in the background by staying underneath the center of the plane, then throw a grenade at The Penguin to get some early damage. From here, block and punch (or throw) until The Penguin goes down. After a while, The Penguin will fly in the air. Don't worry about The Penguin; just dodge the helicopter's machine gun fire by jumping over it. When he lands on the ground, block, then attack. Keep doing this until he goes back into the air.

If you are too far away from The Penguin, he will shoot you with a machine gun. Thankfully, you can throw a grenade at him if you do that, and you can duck the attack to avoid it completely. Eventually, he'll go down, and it's on to Stage 4.

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