Wednesday, September 1, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus (GBA) - Part 12 of 25

Enjoy this short video where I make this boss about as easy as I possibly can. Onwards!

Jungle 6

Turtles required for this stage: Any (although I recommend Leo)

This boss battle takes place on the same vehicle you've used for Stages 2 and 4.

Shoot down the aliens with the tails that throw projectiles at you to get the first ten crystals. I recommend Leo for this, since his charged-up laser shot fires quickly and it only takes two to destroy the aliens with it. The first eight aliens show up one by one; the last two show up simultaneously, and you'll need to take them out quickly to get both crystals. After this, you get a health replenishment followed by the boss battle.

To beat the boss, shoot it in the forehead while staying all the way to the left, moving up and down to avoid the three-way shot projectiles. When the boss moves forward, watch the arms and move away from them when they rear back so you don't get smacked. When you beat the boss, you'll get the other ten crystals and you'll complete this world.

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