Wednesday, November 3, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves - Part 5 of 42

We spend our time sneaking into coffee houses to find blueprints for Octavio's tar vacuum and also take out his sea-based forces on the canals on Venice in this entry.

We are now playing as Bentley in-game for the first time.

The Alarm Clock is now one of Bentley's gadgets and not Sly's this time around. Much like in the second game, you press the assigned button to rear back, use the D-Pad or left analog stick to aim, then press the assigned button button to throw it and hopefully distract some nearby guards.

The Trigger Bomb is a throwable bomb with remote detonation. It works just like the Alarm Clock we just bought, but instead of distracting enemies, it kills them via an explosion when you press the assigned button again after throwing it. Both gadgets use special energy, so mind the brown meter.

Canal Chase

You'll need to play as Bentley to get this job underway.

Octavio has hired the Blue Viper Gondola Gang to take out Carmelita as she is on her daily patrol. Sly and Bentley spring into action to make sure she doesn't get blasted into the water, and Bentley hotwires a motorboat with a gun mounted on it.

From here, left and right on the left stick and/or D-Pad moves the boat while R1 shoots the machine gun. You'll have your own health meter, as will the three members of the Gondola Gang, but you'll also have a meter for the gun in the lower-right corner. If that gauge fills up, the gun will be overheated, and you'll have to wait for the gauge to deplete to fire again. All the while, you'll need to use the X button to jump over the boats, docks, crates and other things in your path. Make sure not to jump into the bridges.

Keep an eye on the three gang members to get an idea of where to go and to line yourself up with them to shoot the gun at them in short bursts. Once you shoot down all three gang members, you'll save Carmelita and you'll stash the boat for later.

It's now time for Day Two. It appears that Octavio is pumping oil into the water so that he can destroy the foundations of the city's buildings and rebuild with his own. He plans to do this during the opera recital, and to stop him, we'll have to get rid of the advertisements for the opera recital that are placed around town. We also have to find the blueprints for the main tar vacuum, which are split into three houses and hidden in local coffee houses under constant guards. Also, Octavio has some air support that will also need to be taken down, and the best way to get rid of them is to fool Carmelita and her mercenaries run into them and take them out. Finally, Murray and his new Aboriginal Ball Form will be needed to destroy the tar reservoirs around town to ensure that the tar does not flow freely.

Push Attack Level 1 is a shove attack for Sly. Press Triangle once to charge up to Level 1, then press Circle to perform a shove attack while the cane is still charged. This attack will shove an enemy quite a ways back.

Guard Duty

You'll need to play as Sly to start this job. Octavio keeps the blueprints to his main tar pumping station in three local coffee houses that are under constant guard. You'll have to approach each one in disguise in order to get in and sneak Bentley into the place so he can look for the blueprints.

You'll now have a new gadget: the Venice Disguise. Assign this to a shoulder button, then use L3 to find the coffee houses and approach them while in disguise. While in disguise, you cannot jump, run or attack.

If you approach an enemy while in disguise, you'll have to do a quick-time event where you have to quickly press a certain sequence of four buttons to give a password or else you'll be found out as a fake. By getting the passwords right, you'll relieve the guards so that Bentley can sneak in.

Watch out for lasers on the ground as you make your way to the painting in the coffee house. When you reach the painting, press Circle to look at it. While looking at the painting, you can press X to zoom in and you can press Triangle to move away from the painting. When you press Triangle, you'll find the save, and you'll need to put in the combination to get the blueprints. The safe controls are the same as in "Beginning of the End."

The combination for the safe is found in the paintings. For the first painting, you'll find the number "479" at the top of three on the right side of the painting. Enter 479 in the safe, and the first part of the blueprints is yours.

For the second painting (following a conversation with a guard who wants to drown in his mother's pasta sauce, which become a running gag for this job), you'll find the number "968" in the water in the bottom center. This will net you the second set of blueprints.

For the third painting, you'll have to do something extra to even look at it. The guard - whose name is Tony B. - will ask you what his nickname is. You'll have to stay in disguise and talk to enough enemies - and complete enough passwords - to find out he is practically in love with himself and that his nickname is 'Tony "The Killer" B.' Go back to Tony B., and you'll be able to get in.

Now for the third painting. The number "113" will be in the black buildings in the background on the right side of the paining. Once you get the last of the blueprints, however, you'll set off an alarm. Get out of there and quickly get back to the safe house. Sly will follow you as you make your way to the safe house. Once you make it to the safe house, the job is done.


D-Pad/left analog stick: Move
X: jump/double jump
Square: attack
Circle: use to interact with sparkles, steal from enemies (from behind; with Sly)
  • charge up cane, knock enemies into the air (from behind; with Sly, use Square afterwards to slam enemy down)
  • drop bombs (Bentley)
Select: access Gadget Grid
  • D-Pad/Left analog stick: select gadget/ability
  • L1, L2, and R2 buttons: assign gadget to button pressed; gadget can then be used with that button
Start: Pause/unpause
  • D-Pad/left analog stick: choose options
  • X: confirm choice
  • Triangle: back out of choice
L3: bring up waypoint

R3: use Binocucom
  • Left analog stick/D-Pad: look around
  • Right analog stick: move in and out
  • R1: take picture
R1: run (hold down)

Right analog stick: move camera

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