Wednesday, November 24, 2021

KuuImpact plays The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang - Part 11 of 12

In this entry, we finally face Von Hesler himself.

From Camellia, go north, then go east twice. (If you hear a bell, you're going in the right direction; if you hear a scream, you'll go back to the screen where you found Camelia.) Go north one screen, then go west one screen. Go south one screen, then west one screen. Go north one screen, and you'll meet a boss. Along the way, you'll face Forest Cloves...which aren't that strong.

To beat Moray, stay on the move and keep hitting him with the spin attack to avoid his projectiles and his whip arms. When you get his health down to zero, he will Level Up and revive, and he will also be able to hit you with his eyeballs. Do the same thing as before. If you can get behind him at any point in the battle, wail on him, but don't get too close. When he dies, he tries to hit you with an orange ball; attack it to split it up, then strike it again to split the balls into even smaller sizes and destroy them.

From Moray, go one screen north, one screen west, one screen north, one screen east and one screen north. From there, head to the north to enter the castle. If you mess up, you'll start back at the screen north of where Moray was. The Warriors will move around and attack you with spears, but you can easily run past them.

At the castle, continue north. You'll finally face Hydra, who reveals her true nature and reveals that she is going to turn on Von Hesler and rule Vladamasco herself.

To beat Hydra, avoid the projectiles from the dragon skeletons and attack Hydra with the spin attack whenever possible. Also, avoid the spear when she throws it. When you empty her health meter, she will Level Up and revive, then fly around and summon a small red dragon. Use your spin attack and the Lighting hat to attack Hydra and also destroy the dragon. If Hydra ever stops moving, move out of the way to avoid her fireball attack.

When you beat Hydra a second time, she will tell you that you must defeat Von Hesler. Head north to meet him. He will mention that you will go down in the name of Owasa.

Stay on the move and hit Von Helser with the Lightning Hat. Don't get too close, as he can fry you fire magic, and stay away from his magic scepter when it flies around and shoots lasers. If you have any magic attacks, feel free to use them. If Von Hesler floats in place, stay on the move to avoid the projectiles he shoots out.

After you beat Von Hesler, a one-eyed ghost will show up and float around Von Hesler, who will take a more demonic form. If Von Hesler throws anything out, be ready to run away from it. The orbs do anything from shooting out sickles to splitting into fireballs to shooting out lasers while flying to the side. If you have any Bat and Angel cards, be sure to use them to whittle down Von Hesler's health meter.

When you beat Von Hesler a second time, he will mention that there is still someone he can turn against Spike and Rudy. Rudy immediately recognizes it as Camelia. Head to the south and chase after the ghost.

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