Thursday, July 18, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Tougi Ou: King Colossus - Part 16 of 22

It's time to head to Lufelia Castle to learn the truth and restore the power of the legendary blade of Orphus...if we can get out of an evil maze intact!

Lufelia Castle

When you enter the castle, you will see a huge Gryuud logo and a necromancer. When you talk to the necromancer, he will tell you that he knows who you are, and then sends you into an abyss.

You'll then end up inside a black-and-white nightmare. You'll want to fight the monsters for the experience (as always) as well as some keys.

The enemies that block doorways here can be killed with the crossbow.

The flashing tiles will damage you...and there are a lot of them.

The enemies are black-and-white just like you, but you will find stronger versions of the skeletons (which show up as gold later in the game) and the zombies.

The flames are souls who are trapped in the abyss. Some of them cry for mercy, but others will give you hints. One mentions the light, and another mentions that the light is you...and that you're a prince. Well, you are the son of a king, after all...

There is a new enemy here: a fireball-like being that bounces around the room and eventually turns into a humanoid form to shoot fireballs at you.

The room with the "I" made of flashing tiles will be where you end up if you fall into pits. If you're bad at platforming in this game, you're going to see this a lot. If you reach a section with a pit, do yourself a favor and save your game.

The first pit area will contain platforms with spikes. Make sure not to land on them, and to keep on the watchful eye on those that don't have spikes and constantly move around. When you get out of this area, immediately save your game so you never have to deal with this area again.

After the first pit area, there will be a hidden passage leading north inside the passage to the east. Taking it and following the path will lead to the Forked Spear, which is more powerful than the Silver Lance. It is like the Anger Lance, but you have slightly less range and the forks are diagonal.

The second set of moving platforms do not move around. Before you get there, a soul will tell you that the queen of Lufelia - your mother - is waiting. She tells you that your father, King Orphus, is also stuck in the abyss, and that you are the last hope for this world.

Before you tackle the second pit full of platforms, save your game. Falling down here will take you a pit that takes you all the way back to the beginning. If that happens, reset and reload your save file, because you'll be covering a lot of ground again and you'll have to do that first pit sequence again.

When you reach the stairs at the end, you'll come across a third pit platforming segment.

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