Tuesday, July 16, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Tougi Ou: King Colossus - Part 12 of 22

In this entry, we face Lord Vraud before heading to Kazard Castle.

Now that you have both the Evil Sword and the Cursed Crown, you'll want to go back to the maze. Go to the door leading north in the northwest corner of the maze, then follow the path and fight your way through. Use the Mage Staff as you go, since you'll be forced to fight the flying eyeball enemies. You'll find a series of four cells. Open the second. You'll talk to a former adviser of the King who was stripped of his powers and placed in the cell by Lord Vraud. He tells you that in order to turn off the barrier surrounding King Sirius, you must extinguish the flames of the altar. To do that, you must sacrifice the Evil Sword and Cursed Crown on two pedestals.

The right-most cell contains a dead man carrying a note written in blood. This tells you that the Cursed Crown goes on the right pedestal and the Evil Sword on the left pedestal.

The path leading to the altar is noted by statues that swing axes. If the axes hit you, you're going to take a bit of damage. Wait for each statue to swing their ax, then pass through. Make sure you don't touch the statues, either; doing that will also cause you to take damage whether the statues are attacking or not. When you see a red flashing skull, you've found the altar. Just walk into the hands and you'll place the proper item in the proper place. With that, the barrier surrounding King Sirius will be gone.

Go all the way back to the throne room and talk to King Sirius. He will ask if you destroyed the barrier, then figures out who you are. He then mentions that he betrayed Orphus to Desire, and regrets doing it. He then tells you to go to Kazard and obtain the Darkworld Key to return to Lufelia. Unfortunately, Lord Vraud catches wind of what Sirius is doing, and makes the throne explode, taking Sirius with it. The resulting doorway leads to a meeting with Lord Vraud that you won't be able to escape from.

Lord Vraud's first form is a demon that floats around and surrounds himself with a ring of those eyeball enemies. When they scatter, Vraud is vulnerable, and as long as you can keep him on-screen, you can hit him with the Wide Bow as you avoid the eyeball enemies as they move around in either a linear or random pattern.

When you beat that form, you'll see Vraud's second form: some red demon that moves left and right across the room and sometimes turns invisible while firing an eight-way shot. Even when he is invisible, his eight-way shot reveals where he is. As long as you keep your distance while still keeping Vraud on-screen, you can keep hitting him with the Wide Bow, making this form just as easy the first and potentially even easier than that.

When you beat Lord Vraud, you'll be able to leave Sirius Castle. This time, you can just go straight south to take a shortcut to the secret entrance. You'll still have to go through the side entrance to get out. When you return to the overworld map screen, Lufelia Castle materializes south of Sirius Castle. You won't be able to go there yet; instead, press Right to head to Kazard Castle.

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