Saturday, July 13, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Tougi Ou: King Colossus - Part 7 of 22

Our trek through the coliseum dungeon brings some things to light...

Laiard Coliseum

The room full of jars at the beginning will refill your HP and MP.

The Warrior Sword is the next step up from the Iron Sword. You can use that, or you can stick with the Haken.

There is a statue shortly after the beginning, and if you destroy it, you'll be able to enter the waterways. You'll be destroying some more statues to open up other areas along the way.

The zombies in the waterways will charge at you if you're lined up with them and you happen to be in their line of sight.

The red creatures with the brown bodies will run towards you, stop and shoot a fireball at you, but the Haken can make quick work of them.

To get the Fire Staff - the first wand weapon of the game that shoots a fireball forward - stand between the two doorways and walk north. That's it.

There is a dead end that leads to a secret room containing the Crossbow, your first bow and arrow weapon of the game. This lets you attack enemies from a very good distance, and is even stronger than the Fire Staff. It does have some elevation that keeps you from hitting some low-lying enemies, but it is the best weapon so far.

There is yet another secret area that is easy to miss later on, and it contains the Protect Ring, which is better than the Guard Ring and is next to it in "Other Items." It increases your defense by fifteen.

The skeleton will pull itself together when you get near it. Hit it, then wait for it to get back up to hit again. Repeat until it's dead.

The Soldier Armor is a step up from the Silver Armor you found in Gryuud's Tower, so be sure to equip that as well.

The lancemen take a few hits to kill, and can easily be rid of with the Crossbow. If you hit them from behind When you first see them, you can find a secret passage leading to three medical herbs.

For the area with the two bridges, step on the first bridge, then jump over the first, third and fifth parts on the bridge to keep the door open.

The Knight Shield is a step up from the Copper Shield.

By pushing the statue onto the flashing tile, you can open up a bridge leading to more of the waterway area. You'll eventually find King Loire - Iria's father - on what is basically his deathbed, and he will think you are King Orphus, even though Orphus is dead, then say that you look a lot like him. You will tell him that his daughter Ilia is a gladiator in the coliseum, he will blame himself for it, tell you he does not have long to live, and tells you to resuce Ilia. Say "Yes," then he will peacefully pass away.

When you try to leave, you'll be face-to-face with King Goran, one of the three people who saw you fight in the coliseum. He will blast you through the wall, where you will have another boss battle with Goran. When you see him, keep hitting him with the Crossbow and avoid the fireballs that he shoots out as he teleports in and out. After enough damage, he teleports to the center of the room and transform into a monster.

For Goran's second form, keep your distance and hit Goran with the Crossbow again. He will shoot fireballs that will home in on you; run away from those until they disappear. He will also shoot two eight-way shots simultaneously, but if you keep back a bit and position yourself properly, they're easy to avoid. If you need to, cast Aura Shield to minimize the amount of damage that you take. Goran will eventually fall.

After the battle, you'll be at the front entrance of the coliseum, where you will tell Ilia that her father has passed away. Ilia will refuse to believe it before losing her only reason to fight, and decides to escape, having no reason to stay in the coliseum. You escape along with her, but when you do, you are caught by Queen Desire and her guards and overpowers both of you. She is about to destroy you both when Lina shows up and wants to make you her slave, saying it is no fun if Desire were to kill you and Ilia right away. Desire, noting that you were able to beat Goran, decides to do this despite one of the guards saying that the seed of misfortune should be destroyed while it is still a seed. We are then taken to Distaria Coliseum, where we have to do the whole "fighting in an arena" thing again. At least we get a full heal once we're there. From there, we are met by Princess Lina, who declares herself your new master before leaving.


  1. I just started playing this game today and reached this point. I am so thankful for the English translation and this play by play you have posted!
