Monday, July 29, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Miracle Girls - Part 1 of 6

...and now it's time for an anime-to-game translation that never made its way over here.

Tomomi and Mikage are 15-year-old twin sisters...and they have ESP abilities at their command! Telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation...they've got it all!

One day, they, their friends and two of their professors all get sucked into some sort of dimensional portal. Now Tomomi and Mikage have to split up and search for them.

Stage 1: Flower Road

Both Tomomi and Mikage play identically. A is the jump button, while B is the "throw candy button." If you duck down, you wont' have much of a throwing arc compared to when you are standing up.

You can't really defeat enemies in this game; instead, you have to throw candy at them. When they eat it, you'll be able to stand on enemies or pass by them without being harmed.

The red circle with the "B" on it acts as a screen-clearing bomb. Activate it with X or Y. This gets rid of all enemies and replaces them with collectible gold hearts. Collect 100 of these hearts to get a 1-Up.

Food restores one of your hit points. You start with three hearts and can have up to five.

The bubble with the blue flower in it is the telepathy ball. Here, the other playable character will guide you through the colored platforms and tell you which one to land on (albeit in Japanese). For this one, it's white, then red, then white.

If you hear the word "Lucky!" during gameplay, you've reached a checkpoint that you can return to in case you lose a life.

If you manage to find a pink door, you'll find a slot machine that will read your fortune after you choose your astrological sign. If you can somehow get four in a row of a certain symbol, you can get anything from health to extra lives.

The star makes you invincible.

Enemies here include walking potted flowers, blue bugs with construction helmets and jackhammers, dandelion puffs and bouncing rabbits.

You'll meet the character you didn't pick at the end. You'll both save a bug family's child from being trapped underneath some blocks if you take the bottom path near the end; if you take the top path - which contains a Friends Book that gives you a hint for the next stage when you complete the current one - they don't show up.

After this, you'll meet a man-sized talking bee. If you beat him in a game, he'll show you where one of your friends are.

The game is simple: spray the bee with your water gun, and keep from being hit as well by using the B button to block.

Whenever you shoot, you'll have to wait a second or two for your super soaker gauge to refill. Thankfuly, the same goes for the boss. Don't touch the blue balls that roll around starting at the 20-second mark, or you'll lose points.

When you win, you'll rescue Kaguera...which is strange, considering that Kaguera tried to expose Tomomi and Mikage's secret ESP powers in the manga.

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