Tuesday, July 9, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Lagoon - Part 11 of 12

Our adventure is nearing an end...but can we beat Battler and catch up with Zerah?

Lagoon Castle

From here, go all the way south, then make your way east. You'll find a chest that contains the Curing Ring, which will very quickly replenish your HP at the cost of your MP. Go back, then go north and follow the path. When you have a choice between north and south, go north. You'll find Princess Felicia! Equip the Statue, step on the crest on the floor and use the Statue to free Felicia. She will tell you that Zerah and Thor have made it into the Secret Place first, and that she was controlled by Zerah, who made her open the door to the Secret Place without realizing it. You'll also find out Zerah is a warlock. Thankfully, you can go through the now-broken mirror to continue on.

When you do, you'll meet a new enemy: giant, moving suits of armor that have a lot of health, fall easily to the sword and give a lot of experience when you die (over 300 experience!). Be sure to find the Moon Armor, which is the best armor in the game, and equip it.

If you need experience, fight off the giant armor guys. You'll be able to get a lot of experience to get closer to the maximum level of 35.

From the start, go northeast to get the Moon Armor, then go southwest to find a path leading to a door. Inside will be a battle with Battler, so be sure to save before you go through. To beat Battler, equip the Power Ring, avoid the egg-shaped monsters and their attacks and attack Battler directly. To do that, stand across from him and off to the left after he teleports, then keep whacking him.

Secret Place

To the north of where you fought Battler, go to the north and jump onto the island in the background. This takes you to the Secret Place. How this works while violating the laws of perspective, I have no clue. You'll be in the Secret Place, and if you go into the nearby building and talk to the man there, he will tell you that Zerah has revived the evil spirit and that he and Thor are underneath the castle. You'll also learn that if you go south, you'll be able to return to Lagoon Castle if you need to level up via a teleporter.

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