Friday, July 26, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Super Back to the Future Part II AGAIN - Part 2 of 6

Well, now that we're taking over for our future son, let's take care of Griff Tannen once and for all!

Round 2-1

Password: HEAD

Love the music in this one.

Anyway, it looks like you're in the 2015 version of the Downtown area, according to the background. I guess.

This is where you'll see the spikes for the first time. Sometimes they'll move around, sometimes they'll be in a line keeping you from entering an area, sometimes they guard something until you hit a switch or perform a certain action such as defeat an enemy (you'll see a bit of that last one here). Regardless, they're really small, they're cheap half the time and they're really obnoxious. So be on your guard.

If you're fast enough after triggering the switch that moves the wall of spikes upward, you can spin jump high enough to defeat the first goon in an instant.

The wall behind him can be climbed on. Just keep jumping towards it and you'll climb up to the top of the wall. You may have to jump off the floating robot to reach the top here, as it's harder to jump to the very top of the wall at times until you get used to it. Be careful not to take damage when you reach the end of the climbable wall.

The flying cars act as platforms. You may experience some slowdown here (hey, the game isn't perfect, but it's still pretty good), but that's about all you'll have to deal with. You'll have to jump over the spikes after they are to the left of the path forward after the cars.

Jump down the pit, and you'll fight the blond girl with the ponytails. Keep spinning while you jump, and you'll keep bouncing on her and spinning until you land on her when she's on the ground. (She stands there for about two seconds before continuing her attack.) Once you defeat her, you'll be able to jump on some platforms and continue on.

The guys on the hoverboards will only come down if you run over the switch that lets them down. Taking it slow here helps.

The third goon does nothing but shoot sonic waves out of his guitar. After that long drop, speed up and take a huge spin jump. You'll come down right on the guy's head and knock him out.

After that, you'll be able to jump onto a platform, jump over the dead end and head to the exit!

Round 2-2

Password: FROG

It's Griff again. This time, you'll have to press the two switches at the center of the screen, timing it so that when the big geyser of water comes out, Griff is in the center of the screen. This will send him flying into the roof of the mansion in the background. After doing this about five or six times, he's done.

He'll stop in one of the corners and throw those baseball bats at you again. If you stay under him, you won't have to worry about that.

If you can somehow sneak up behind him and do a spin jump on him when he lowers himself to flatten you with his hoverboard (which he does every so often), you'll land a free hit. You can also hit him while he's flying around, assuming you're fast enough and you can jump up to him in time. Using this tactic in combination with the fountain can help you beat Griff in record time.

You'll then get a cutscene. Old Man Biff Tannen will climb into the DeLorean and travel into time...but why?

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