Monday, July 8, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Lagoon - Part 9 of 12

At this point, there's no turning back. If you need any more levels, get them here before continuing.

Gnome Tree

To the north is a tree. Entering it takes you to the Gnome village of Lilaty.

The first person you meet will tell you about the Ice Cave, and that you will need the Fur Mantle to go inside without freezing to death.

To the north, there is a man who will say he is an honest man and ask you if you think he is lying. You will not get anything out of him regardless of your answer, but keep him in mind for later.

By going across the bridge, there is a woman who will tell you that there is a big fat liar in the village who has the Fur Mantle. She will give you the Truth Fire and tell you to use it on a liar, as they will tell the truth no matter what. Equip the Fur Mantle and talk to the honest man, and instead of choosing either answer, press Y to get different dialogue along with the Fur Mantle.

One of the villagers will tell you about the Nymphs in the spring behind the Ice Cave, who used to come to the village but have since not done so anymore due of demons in the Ice Cave. He says that the Nymphs will be able to help you with their powers, and that you can call them with the Angel's Bell, which he then gives you.

The villager in the old man in the southwest corner will tell you something about the world being saved when Light and Darkness become one, and ask what it means.

There is nothing else you can do, so equip the Fur Mantle and go up the stairs to the north. You'll enter the Gnome Plain, which takes you to the entrance to the Ice Cave.

Ice Cave

If you go into the Ice Cave without the Fur Mantle equip, your health will rapidly drain, so equip the Fur Mantle.

The guys with the knives are fairly quick and will follow you around, but you can easily kill them with the sword.

If you see any holes in the floor, do not walk into them. You will fall in and instantly die.

The chest with the Elixir is the last time you will be able to find a free Elixir in a chest.

The crystal blobs shoot out a seven-way shots when they turn into a cylinder-style shape, but they can be easily destroyed with the sword.

The Bright Stone will be needed later, so it is essential that you get it.

The boss here is a sphere-like ball named Thimale. Equip the Protection Ring, then attack the eight cylinders with the monsters inside that shoot crystal projectiles. You'll shatter them in one hit. You may have to heal yourself with the Elixir. Once you destroy them, Thimale will turn transparent. If your level is at least in the low 20s and you have the Force Shield equipped, you can destroy Thimale in a few hits, eight-way projectile be damned. Best to use the Power Ring to be sure.

Beating Thimale will award you the Life Ball, which completely refills your health upon death and disappears when used. Unfortunately, there's only one in the game. You'll also be able to enter the Nymph Spring. At the spring, use the Angel's Bell when you go as far north as you can. You will summon the nymphs, who will tell you that Zerah is heading to Phantom Hill to go to Lagoon Castle, and you will be handed the Moon Staff, which gives you the most powerful spells. You'll then be teleported to Phantom Hill.

Phantom Hill

Once you're in Phantom Hill, you won't be able to go to earlier areas.

Here, you'll be going up stairs and fighting red parrots. They move around randomly, and if they run into you, they do a ton of damage. Equip the Fire Staff and the Water Crystal to get the Water Hammer. Even though one shot costs 15 MP, it does a ton of damage to any enemies you come across at this point.

Near the top, there is a small hole. Make sure your HP and MP are completely full before going in. When you do, you'll face Ella.

To beat Ella, equip the Powerful Ring and smack her as much as much as possible. The more damage you do to her, however, the more often she will teleport around the room while shooting fire balls around the room in a clockwise direction. This is very bad, especially when you're one hit away from killing her.

Once you somehow manage to beat her - probably by getting the last hit in at random - leave the room. A ladder will show up immediately to the north of the hole. Go all the way up, then leap over the gap to the right. You'll finally meet the evil Zerah, and you'll find out that he raised Thor to call upon the evil spirit to give himself great power. He also says that it is a surprise that you and Thor know each other, and then decides to kill you himself. Mathias teleports in and fights Zerah, and Zerah will escape when you talk to him. Mathias will tell you the truth: you and Thor are sons of the gods, and that Mathias found the both of you on Phantom Hill. When he tried to pick both of you up, Zerah swooped in and took Thor away. Not surprisingly, it is all Zerah's fault that the water has become muddy, and that Nasir is the Champion of Light and Thor the Champion of Darkness. Mathias gives you the Thunder Crystal, then tells you to head to Lagoon Castle before teleporting you into the clouds.

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