Friday, May 26, 2017

PrinceWatercress plays Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 - Part 11 of 16

We're finally in the S.S. Tea Cup. Time to do some damage.

S.S. Tea Cup

Course No. 29

Well, once you make your way into the ship and climb all the way up the first ladder, you'll find the treasure room? But where's the key?

In the next room, climb up the ladder one floor, and head right to the other ladder at the end. Climb it up another floor and enter the door further to the right. Head all the way down the bottom of the next ladder, go left until you reach another ladder. Go up, then go left past another door and up the third ladder. Enter the door on the other side. Go right and up the ladder to the next floor. Enter the second door you see. You'll find two blocks and a Thwomp. The left block has the Key.

To head back, just head to the previous room, go left and down the ladder, then left again and through the door. Make your way down the ladder on the next screen and enter the first door you see. Then, head left to the ladder and climb up. You're back at the beginning of the course. Treasure J - the axe - is now yours.

Course No. 30

To get the key here, enter the first door you come across. Follow the path to the other door and enter it, then continue to the other side and enter the door. Head right, go up the ladder, then left, up the next ladder and through the door. From there, stay on the bottom level and make your way to the other side. Climb up the ladder to the next floor, then climb the ladders above you to find two blocks, one of which has the key.

You passed the Key Door on the way here. Thankfully, it's not too hard to backtrack your way there. You now have Treasure K - a golden football. (Golden egg? I dunno.)

The bugs that climb up and down the ladders aren't really that hard. You can just jump on them to get rid of them.

To beat the giant bird, stay close as it flaps its wings quickly (it blows you back when it does this). Jump off the birds it spits out and onto the giant bird's head. It's over after a mere three hits.

You'll be shot up to Parsley Woods, but you'll have to go forwards to go back...

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