Sunday, May 7, 2017

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy III - Part 20 of 44

Now that we're free, it's time to explore this wonderful new world!

Back at Amur, talk to the townspeople. A huge city called Salonia has a very fast airship.

Southwest of Amur is a narrow mountain path. You'll just be forced back if you try to enter it, though.

North of tht area is a small island. This is the village of Dastar.

Talk to people. Dalug is southeast of the island. You'll also learn of the Swords of Darkness, as well as what Geomancers can do: control the terrain.

There are two EarthDrums in the north area of town. These drums casts Quake when used.

Get Rune Rings for your Wizards. This is all you can get, as the other armors are for classes you don't have yet.

The girls in the north tells you about Bahamut, Leviathan and Odin, amongst other things. You'l see them eventually.

To the northeast of Dastar is Leprit.

Talking to people here will bring up subjects such as the powerful archmage Noah, who used to live in Dalug and could summon both Bahamut and Leviathan. One of his puplis sleeps in a fjord to the south. You'll also learn that summonded monsters are not affected by an enemy's Barrier. Also, Summoner summons are stronger than Conjurer summons.

You can enter the northern-most house by climbing up the trees to the left. From there, position yourself so that you're perfect across from the chimney, then go right. You're in. Press A on the upper-right candle to get another Elixir, then go south and talk to the old man. He'll tell you about an undersea cave under a triangle-shaped island that is full of treasure.

The grass area in the trees on the west side of the village contains an Elixir and a TrtlShel.

The grass area in the trees on the east side has another hidden Elixir as well as one of the Gurgans. He knows someone is summoning the Darkness and that both the Light and Dark Worlds -  which have lost their balance - will become Void.

At the magic shop, you can get Chocobo, Shiva, Ramuh, Ifrit, and Titan summons. There are three effects you can get: White, Black, or Summon. Only Summoners can use the Summon effects, while for Conjurers it is just White or Black. It is also very random what kind of effect you get, making both Conjurer and Summoner a guessing game.

Chocobo is really random and really useless.

Shiva can either all enemies to sleep (White), cast a (strangely non-elemental) Icy Glare (black), or cast an ice spell on all enemies (Summon).

Ramuh paralyzes all enemies (White), casts Lightning damage on one enemy (Black), or casts Lightning damage to all enemies (Summon).

Ifrit heals your party (White), casts Fire damage to one enemy (Black), or casts Fire damage to all enemies (Summon).

Titan casts physical damage upon one enemy for both the White and Black effects. For Summon, he deals Earth damage for all enemies.

Apparently HCBailly doesn't like most of the job classes: according to him, Bard isn't all that special and the Geomancer's Terrain ability is also random.

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