Sunday, May 28, 2017

PrinceWatercress plays Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 - Part 15 of 16

It's the end of the game! Let's defeat Captain Syrup once and for all!

Syrup Castle

Course No. 39

In the third section, use the Bull Wario power-up to break the bricks above the springboard, then use it to go up. Continue to the door, then enter it and get the key in the upper-right corner of the room. Go to the lower-right to become Dragon Wario, then use your flame to break the bricks blocking the keyhole in the upper-left. Treasure O is a ring, and with that he have all fifteen treasures in the game!

Skull platforms! Yay! Just remember that they re-appear when they reach the ceiling or the lava below, depending on which direction they're going - up or down.

Course No. 40

In the first section, you'll be seeing a lot of springboard blocks. If you mess up on one jump, it's instant death. Near the end of this section, you'll be getting a lot of coins. Don't be surprised if you have more than 100 by the end of this part.

To beat the knight, just tackle him in the back three times. Amazingly, you can still beat him as Small Wario by throwing 10 Coins at him.

After one more vertical's Captain Syrup! She's the leader of the Pirate Gang, and she has a little surprise for you since you're trying to get all of her riches...

To beat the boss here, you'll have to grab the magic lamp and throw it so it turns right-side up. A cloud will come out of it when this happens. Jump on it, and use it as your means of jumping on the genie's head! The cloud will turn into a miniature genie which keeps shooting fireballs, and he can be defeated with a bop on the head.

The big genie sends fireballs that come at you when they hit the ground, and he'll only shoot those at you when he reaches either side of the screen. He just flies around back and forth, and he's basically one of the easiest final bosses (if not the easiest) I've ever seen.

After jumping on his head six times, the game is over! You'll get another 300 coins, and the genie is now yours. Captain Syrup will try to blow up the castle (with you in it), but Wario escapes and the castle turns into a statue of Princess Peach...which Mario collects with his trusty helicopter. (Jerk.) With the treasures in your collection and all the coins that you've picked up, you'll get one of five different houses: a birdhouse, a log cabin, a Japanese temple, a castle, and entire planet. You'll need to get a total of 99,999 coins and all fifteen treasures to do this, but it's worth it to get the best ending!

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