Tuesday, May 30, 2017

newfiebangaa plays Mega Man III for Game Boy - Part 2 of 6

We finish off the first four Robot Masters and hunt for Dr. Wily!

Snake Man

You'll have to jump off the very edge of a ladder to get the Energy Tank near the end.

The clampers will move up and down a ladder, and stop to close itself in an attempt to crush you in their spiky grip.

The hopping robots will make two or three low hops before making a very high one.

Snake Man will walk back and forth shooting Search Snakes at you. Hit him with the Spark Shot, and try not to die. Use an Energy Tank if you need to.

Beating Search Snake will give you the Search Snake and the Rush Coil. The Search Snake will crawl over floors and walls, while the Rush Coil will let you reach very high platforms.

Gemini Man

The dragonflies will try to lower themselves down at you before flying to the right. The penguins will shoot egg bombs at you was they jump.

The bubbles will create ghosts that you'll have to destroy whenever you shoot them down to clear the way. If you use a fully-charged Mega Buster shot, you won't have to deal with the ghosts. Unless, of course, if you want the power-ups, go ahead.

Shoot at the spinning cranks on the top of the big penguin robots to get rid of them.

After some precision platforming across a long spike pit, you'll finally face Gemini Man. Shoot at him and his clone with the Search Snake, and time it so that you do it in mid-air and can manage to avoid both Gemini Men. After enough damage, the real one will just walk and jump back and forth. Finish him off with more Search Snake.

Beating Gemini Man gives you the Gemini Laser, which can bounce off walls.

Dr. Wily Stage

Beating the first four Robot Masters will give you access to the first Dr. Wily Stage.

As soon as you start this level, you'll have to deal with the dreaded disappearing platforms. Get the simple timing of these platforms down. The larger platforms will separate and dump you downwards if you don't jump off of them as soon as you get on.

Once you get past the three slightly difficult pits, you'll take on a large robot that looks similiar to the cross-shaped robots that moved back and forth in the first Mega Man game for both NES and Game Boy. This guy will move across the walls, ceiling and floor, and can also make jumping motions at times. Avoid making contact with it as you attack it with Spark Shock.

Once you beat it, enter the teleporter. You'll face four more Robot Masters: Dive Man, Skull Man, Drill Man and Dust Man.

Dust Man

Yep, the Mettaurs are back. Some of these guys will pop out of their hard hats, jump at you and fire a three-way shot. Others just spin around and shoot forwards. Attack them when they're not hiding in their hard hats.

The robots that pop out of the pits are rather nasty. Hit them with a fully-charged Mega Buster shot as soon as you see them and quickly jump over the pit.

The shield robots that fly back and forth can only be attacked from behind.

The crusher robots will try to leap towards you, sometimes making a leap high enough for you to slide or move under them. If you can't get by one, plug away at it with Shadow Blades.

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