Thursday, May 18, 2017

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy III - Part 40 of 44

We're at the it's time to finish this once and for all.

Once you're caught in the curse, you'll face Dorga. Dorga tells you the only thing that can break the curse of the Demon Dragons is the five hearts of Light. He has to find them, while you try to endure the curse.

Dorga contacts people you've helped in the game previously. He recurits Princess Sara, Cid...and Desh?!? Yep, Desh didn't die when he threw himself into the fire of the Tower of Owen, as he pulls himself right back out and agrees to help Dorga without any hesitation. He also recruits Prince Allus and...the four old men from earlier?!? Well, one of them anyway. They appear magically, and you'll be able to reach the next room, which is the portal to the Dark World.

You'll finally meet Zande...and you'll have to fight him. Hammer pants and all.

Zande can easily be defeated with the Megaflare from the Bahamut summon and Shurikens. This can save you from the really nasty spells he has, such as Meteo.

When you beat Zande, you'll meet the Dark Cloud, who plans to bring everything back into the Void. There's nothing you can do in this battle, so you're just going to be annihilated. Everyone summoned for the Dark Dragon curse crisis shows up, alongside Dorga and Unne, whose spirits show up to tell you to get a move on so the world doesn't get destroyed thanks to Zande's handiwork and the Dark Cloud.

The enemies here are nothing special.

The four chests here contain Ribbons. These chests also contain Zande Clones, which are just easier versions of Zande with only 10000 HP. You can even use Toad and Brak2 on them.

With each section of the Dark World, there is a Dark Crystal for each of the four elements. They'll send bosses after you when you approach them. The Cerberus, which just casts Thunder repeatedly, is spawned from the Dark Wind Crystal and is rather weak.

When you beat one of the Dark Crystal bosses, approach the Crystal and you'll free one of the Dark Warriors. Now you know what happened to them...they were trapped in the Crystal.

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